Water Retention Detox


Fluid Cleanse Detox is a blend of purifying pure essential oils with circulation strengthening, detoxing, diuretic actions to improve lymph drainage and fluid accumulation in the body. The aroma is stress calming.

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Oedema or fluid retention occurs when fluids aren’t draining from your body. It could be caused by warmer weather, menstrual hormones, or high salt levels. Fluid Cleanse Detox is a blend of purifying pure essential oils with circulation strengthening, detoxing, diuretic actions to improve lymph drainage and fluid accumulation in the body.

Sweet Almond Oil, Cypress, and Geranium Essential Oils

Sweet Almond is a light yet nourishing moisturiser that improves skin tone. Cypress is fresh, green, herbaceous, and aromatic. It is a detoxing, circulation strengthening oil that improves lymph drainage, oedema, and blood circulation. It also calms inflammation in the body. Geranium is a fresh invigorating oil that improves blood circulation, lymph drainage, and is a detoxing diuretic that cleanses toxins from the bloodstream.

Grapefruit, and Juniper Essential Oils

White Grapefruit is citrus fresh and excellent for lymphatic circulation and drainage. It is a blood circulating, detoxing oil that is particularly effective for cleansing and lymph drainage. Juniper is woody, fresh, and crisp. This strong purifying oil detoxes the bloodstream and improves lymph drainage. Diuretic actions are excellent for fluid retention. It has detoxing, circulation strengthening actions to cleanse the bloodstream of toxins.

Lemongrass, and Mandarin Essential Oils

Lemongrass is light, fresh, and lemon green. Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, detoxing diuretic actions cleanse toxins and improve lymph drainage. Mandarin has light wispy notes of citrus blossoms and is a circulation strengthening oil that improves lymph flow and drainage. It purifies toxins and increases urine flow. It is an immune tonic that helps to strengthen immunity.






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Topical – dropper bottle, Topical – roller bottle


10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.