Lymph Flow. The lymphatic system is important to health because it regulates the immune system. Its main function is to cleanse toxins and circulate lymph – an infection fighting fluid that circulates through the bloodstream to strengthen immunity. Above five hundred lymph nodes occur in the body, mainly in the groin, underarms, abdomen, and chest. When lymph nodes swell, your body is fighting infection. Stagnating lymph causes pain and immune deficiency in the body, why exercise is important to get lymph circulating through the body. This antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxing, circulation strengthening blend of pure essential oils could also make a difference to improving lymph flow and circulation.
Sweet Almond Oil, Cypress, and Bay Leaf
Sweet Almond Oil is light on skin yet rich in moisturisation. It brightens skin tone. Bay Leaf is a circulation strengthening detoxer that improves lymphatic drainage. Massage this oil on swollen lymph nodes, and immediately calm swelling and inflammation. Bay Leaf also calms stress and improves focus, and alertness. Cypress is a lymph decongestant, and blood circulant that tones blood capillaries, calms inflammation, and improves oedema.
Rose Geranium, and Ginger
Geranium improves lymph drainage with circulation strengthening diuretic actions to purify the bloodstream. It regulates hormones of the adrenal cortex and prevents fatigue with uplifting actions that are excellent for nerves, depression, anxiety, and stress. Ginger is an energising oil with strong anti-inflammatory actions for pain. It strengthens blood circulation to improve lymph flow in the body.
Grapefruit, and Helichrysum bracteiferum
Grapefruit is a strong circulant that improves lymphatic drainage, and circulation of lymph in the body. This energising oil has diuretic, lymph stimulant, detoxing actions to cleanse the bloodstream, and improves adrenal fatigue. It is excellent for the endocrine system, improving the secretion of hormones and enzymes that affect metabolism. Helichrysum is a strong anti-infectious blood circulant and immune strengthening oil with detoxing diuretic actions. It stimulates circulation and lymph to strengthen immune health.
Juniper, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Rosemary, and Tangerine
Juniper is a detoxing circulant that cleanses fluids, salts and acids from the bloodstream to improve lymph drainage and immunity. Lemongrass is a strong anti-infectious blood circulant for lymphatic drainage. Mandarin is a detoxing, immune strengthening tonic that improves lymphatic circulation. Rosemary purifies the bloodstream and circulates lymph. It is an excellent antioxidant that strengthens immunity. Tangerine improves lymph drainage and circulation with immune strengthening, depurative actions to cleanse the bloodstream.
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