Preggy Varicose


Preggy Varicose improves circulation to strengthen blood flow and prevent stagnancy in the veins. It has strong astringent substances to firm and strengthen veins. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory actions are excellent for soothing cramping legs. Massage your legs from the fifth month of pregnancy.

Information about the oils in this blend

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A pregnant woman develops varicose veins because blood flow increases in the veins on her legs, or her growing baby weights the large veins in her pelvis to affect the flow of blood to her veins. Hormones could be the cause of swelling veins in the pelvis and legs. This blend of astringent pure essential oils could help to improve your veins while pregnant.

Preggy Varicose has astringent, circulation strengthening, anti-inflammatory actions to calm your varicose veins. This blend improves circulation to strengthen blood flow and prevent stagnancy in the veins. It has strong astringent substances to firm and strengthen veins. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory actions are excellent for soothing cramping legs. Massage your legs from the fifth month of pregnancy.

Sweet Almond Oil, Tamanu Oil and Cypress Essential Oil

Sweet Almond Oil has sclerosant substances to calm varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and thread veins on the face. It is a nourishing skin beauty oil that is rich in moisturisation. Tamanu Oil is saturated with canophyllic acid, friedelin, canophylol and fatty acids to nourish and moisturise skin. Cypress essential oil is a strong astringent that calms the swelling of veins and strengthens them. It improves blood circulation and tones blood capillaries. Cypress is a mild analgesic with pain calming, anti-inflammatory actions for varicose veins.

Rose Geranium and Ginger Essential Oils

Geranium improves blood circulation and calms the swelling of varicose veins, bruises, and hemorrhoids. It has astringent actions to tighten veins. Geranium is an excellent anti-inflammatory that calms pain and inflammation. Ginger essential oil is a strong anti-inflammatory that calms pain and reduces inflammation in the body. It is an excellent blood circulant that strengthens blood circulation to veins.

Helichrysum and Lemon Essential Oils

Helichrysum is a strong antioxidant skin tonic that improves blood circulation. It has astringent actions to firm sagging skin and could be effective for toning and tightening varicose veins. Strong anti-coagulant substances could prevent blood from stagnating in the veins. Lemon essential oil is an astringent that firm’s skin and veins. It is a detoxing, purifying oil that cleanses toxins from the bloodstream.






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Topical – dropper bottle, Topical – roller bottle


10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.