Uterine Fibroid Balm


Fibroid Calm, Fibroid Clear and Fibroid Soothe are three Uterine Fibroid Balms with hormone balancing actions to help improve uterine fibroids or myomas. Each balm has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immune strengthening, blood circulating and purifying actions.

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Our uterine fibroid hormone balancing pure essential oil blends are a balm for uterine fibroids, known as myomas, growths that form on the smooth muscle of the womb. Fibroid Calm, Fibroid Clear and Fibroid Soothe are strong anti-inflammatory, immune strengthening, blood circulating, purifying antioxidant blends to improve uterine health. Uplifting and calming, each balm has a fresh, and bright aroma that calms stress and emotional equilibrium.

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths on the smooth muscle of the womb

Oestrogen and progesterone form the lining in the uterus in preparation for pregnancy. It is thought that an imbalance of these hormones could be the cause of fibroid growths. Other possible causes could be obesity, a generational history of fibroids, not having given birth to children, menstruating from an early age or menopause at an older age than usual.

Additional information


Fibroid Soothe, Fibroid Calm, Fibroid Clear


Topical – dropper bottle, Topical – roller bottle


10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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