Amyris balsamifera

Amyris balsamifera is a tropical tree with glossy green leaves and white flowers that grow in clusters from the sides and tips of the branches. It grows mainly on limestone and in scrub forests. The tree is esteemed for its aromatic wood that yields the uplifting therapeutic Amyris pure essential oil. It produces a grounding, woody, sweet balsamic essential oil with slight vanilla notes when steam distilled from the seasoned wood, leaves and twigs.

Balsamic oils such as Amyris have soft, sweet, warm, earthy aromas with spice and floral undertones. Their natural wooded aromas smell of Balsam trees. The aroma of balsamic essential oil is calming, soothing, and grounding. Such oils calm stress and improve emotional equilibrium. 

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The merits of this essential oil

A fixative in perfume blends, Amyris strengthens the aroma of each oil in a blend, preventing evaporation of the volatile oils to lengthen the life of the perfume blend. 

Amyris essential oil is an excellent hypotensive that calms the heart and lowers blood pressure.  

A moisturising emollient and circulation strengthening oil for dry skin that increases blood circulation to the skin.

Extremely calming for stress, this sweet balsamic is used substantially in perfumed blends for its grounding, calming aroma and actions. The aromatic woody aroma calms the mind and is excellent diffused for stress.

Amyris essential oil is an excellent calmative for people with insomnia, soothing the nerves for calm sleep.

Purifying actions cleanse toxins from the bloodstream and strengthen lymph flow and circulation.

An expectorant for coughs and colds, Amyris is a known remedy for minor colds and coughs.

This oil is excellent for sore, cramping muscles in massage oils and blends to calm sore, tired muscles.  

Amyris has antiphlogistic substances that calm inflammation in the body.   

The calming aroma strengthens the heart, making Amyris a heart tonic.

This oil is a lymphatic and venous decongestant.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.