Agathosma betulina & Agathosma crenulata

Both Buchu species have similar therapeutic actions. The round-leaved Buchu Betulina and the oval-leaved Buchu Crenulata are woody shrubs that grow on the slopes of the Cedarburg mountains of Southern Africa. Buchu betulina and Buchu crenulata essential oils are steam distilled from the twigs, and leaves. 

Buchu Betulina and Buchu Crenulata were used for stomach ailments, indigestion, kidney and bladder infections, backache, and rheumatism with anti-septic actions to disinfect sores.

Buchu Crenulata was used for inflammation, a diuretic and stomach tonic and for kidney and urinary tract infections. Crenulata has gas-calming actions, and is used for cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, gout, leukorrhea and yeast infections.

Shop both the Buchu pure essential oils

Shop Buchu Betulina here.

Shop Buchu Crenulata here.

Buchu Betulina 

The round-leafed Buchu is a shrub with oil glands on the margins of its leaves and star-shaped white flowers. The seeds are formed in a five-chambered pod with one seed per chamber.  The sulphur elements in the oil are the reason Buchu Betulina is imbued with a blackcurrant aroma and flavour. 

Buchu Crenulata

This evergreen rounded shrub has glossy green, oval, aromatic leaves with volatile oil glands on the leaves and fruit.  White flowers are followed by green fruits. In both species, the essential oil is obtained from steam distillation of the leaves and twigs. 

The merits of these oils

Buchu calms flatulence and the expulsion of gas from the intestines.

Strong diuretic substances cleanse toxins from the bloodstream to calm the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.

Mild urinary tract anti-septics for kidney and urinary tract infections.

The mild urinary anti-septic actions calm blood in urine, known as haematuria.

The anti-inflammatory actions calm inflammation of the prostate gland, known as prostatitis.

Buchu repels insects and parasites such as mosquitoes, fleas, and lice.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.e.