Elettaria cardamomum

Cardamom is one of the most expensive spices, after saffron and vanilla. It belongs to the same genus of plants as Ginger and has the same strong energising actions. Cardamom essential oil is steam distilled from the seeds to make a spicy, fresh, slight camphorous oil with warm balsamic notes. It is excellent for indigestion and gas in the intestines, calming intestinal spasms and the digestive system. Cardamom essential oil soothes upset stomachs.  

It is a mild tonic for the nervous system and is energising and invigorating. Cardamom increases brain energy and calms brain fatigue and lethargy, encouraging clear, focused thinking and physical strength. The aroma brightens focused thinking, calming stress, depression, and nerves.

Shop Cardamom pure essential oil

Shop Cardamom Seed Pure Essential Oil here.

The merits of this oil

Cardamom is a skin beautifying antioxidant that calms age blemishes, and wrinkles with rejuvenating actions for a glowing skin tone.

A calming oil for the stomach, Cardamom is excellent for intestinal spasms and gas in the intestines. It calms stomach upsets, specifically gas and indigestion. Cardamom is excellent for the digestive system.

Cardamom strengthens circulation in the body and increases urine to detox the urinary system and kidneys. It cleanses toxins from the bloodstream.

An expectorant, Cardamom unclogs phlegm, and soothes coughs and colds.

Cardamom is an excellent pain-calming oil for headaches from colds.

An excellent oil in massage blends for stress, depression, and nerves. Massage your feet, and the adrenal glands on your lower back. 

Cardamom is a strong antiseptic mouth cleansing breath freshener that disinfects bacteria in the mouth. A couple of drops in water swirled through the mouth cleanses and freshens the breath – don’t swallow. 

When massaged, Cardamom calms the pain of sciatica.

Cardamom is a strong expectorant that unclogs phlegm. Massage a drop of Cardamom essential oil diluted in Sweet Almond Oil on your chest and under your feet to calm a tight chest.

Cardamom is a mild tonic for the nervous system. It energises fatigued, lethargic thinkers because it calms stress, and nerves.    

This excellent disinfectant has anti-microbial substances to eradicate fungi, viruses, and bacteria.  Cardamom is a strong disinfectant that prevents infection in sores. 

Soothe scalp infections and eradicate dandruff with the strong disinfectant actions of Cardamom essential oil.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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