Juniperus virginiana

Juniperus virginiana is a tall evergreen tree with horizontal branches and bluish green pine leaves. It typically occurs on wood margins, limestone cliffs, glades, pastures and fence rows.  A fresh, sweet, woody essential oil is steam distilled from the aromatic heartwood of the tree. Cedarwood essential oil is an excellent calmative for stress, and insomnia. This oil is excellent for anyone with chronic stress or depression. Use it in massage blends for muscular aches and pains, sore joints, rheumatism, or arthritis. The aroma makes it an excellent fixative in perfume and for inclusion in soaps, deodorants, men’s aromatic blends and air fresheners.

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The merits of this oil 

Cedarwood has fungicidal substances that could help eradicate the fungal yeast infection that causes seborrheic dermatitis and calm the inflammation.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a fungal disease of the skin that occurs where there are many sebaceous glands. It is thought that fungal yeasts affect this skin ailment because of an inflammatory immune response to these yeasts.

These same yeasts are responsible for tinea versicolor, folliculitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and dandruff.  

A soothing and calming oil for the dry itching skin of eczema.

This anti-septic balm prevents infection in sores and could be safely applied on sores and scrapes. The disinfectant actions make it excellent for inclusion in your own healing anti-septic balms.

A strong anti-spasmodic oil for spasms that affect the respiratory tract, intestines, muscles, heart and nerves. Cedarwood calms asthma and various spasmodic ailments.

Cedarwood Oil has emmenagogue actions to improve irregular, sore or obstructed menstruation. It improves menstruation, making it regular, while also calming headaches, pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue and uplifted emotional equilibrium. 

This endocrine hormone regulator could improve the hormonal functioning of various glands in the endocrine system.

A detoxing oil that is milder than Juniper yet similar in its cleansing actions, Cedarwood essential oil is a cleanser of the kidneys and bladder.

It flushes uric acid from the bloodstream to calm arthritis and rheumatism. 

The astringent anti-septic actions are a balm for acne, blemishes, and oily skin.

Clear dandruff from your scalp with a couple of drops in a dash of Pomegranate oil and massage into your scalp and hair to clear dandruff and improve hair health.

A strong oil to unclog sinuses and soothe coughs because of its anti-spasmodic actions. It is excellent for bronchitis, coughs, tight chests, and colds.

Strengthen its mosquito repellent actions and blend with insect repellent oils such as Citronella, Lemon Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass.

An excellent calmative for insomnia. Cedarwood is excellent for people with chronic anxiety, stress, or depression.

Cedarwood calms cystitis, dermatitis, kidneys, itching skin, and is fungicidal, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.