Cinnamosma fragrans

Cinnamosma is a flowering shrub with glossy green leaves that is grown for its strong anti-microbial essential oil. The leaves are steam distilled to produce an oil that is camphorous and slightly sweet with soft floral notes. Cinnamosma is an energising oil for a fatigued mind and excellent when diffused into the air for its calming actions to invigorate depression and improve a brighter emotional equilibrium. It is a strong immune stimulant and an excellent anti-infectious oil with anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, decongestant, expectorant, and mucolytic actions.

Shop Cinnamosma Fragrans essential oil

Shop Cinnamosma Fragrans pure essential oil here

The merits of this oil 

Cinnamosma has substantial levels of cineole that make it an excellent anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory oil.

Excellent in pain calming massage blends with strong anti-inflammatory actions to calm sore muscles.

It is a strong anti-bacterial oil that disinfects sores and scuffs.

This anti-fungal is excellent for athlete’s foot, and fungal infections.

An excellent smooth muscle anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory massage oil for sore muscles.

This strong anti-viral oil protects from viral infections when diffused.

Massage your chest, back and the soles of your feet to strengthen immunity with a couple of drops in Sweet Almond Oil.

This oil is excellent for head colds, sinus infections and respiratory ailments, particularly in steam inhalation to unclog phlegm and soothe the respiratory tract. 

A strong anti-infectious oil that clears bacteria in the air. A drop in your diffuser calms flu, bronchitis, and colds.  

Cineole and a-pinene have strong expectorant and mucolytic actions that are excellent for soothing coughs.

Cinnamosma increases cerebral blood flow to the brain.

This is a pain-calming oil for stress headaches.    

Cinnamosma is a nerve equilibrator that calms nerves.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.