Foeniculum vulgare

Foeniculum vulgare is an upright, branching perennial herb with soft, green feathery foliage and bright golden flowers that bloom in summer. A sweet, herbaceous oil with an anise slant is steam distilled from the seeds. The uplifting aroma is calming to the mind. It strengthens the mind and lifts emotion, making it excellent for stress. Just inhaling Fennel stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and calms adrenaline levels. It has antioxidant actions for skin that improve a fresher skin tone. Fennel also eradicates bacterial infections that occur in nails, skin, hair and fungal yeast infections of Candida albicans.

Shop Fennel Seed essential oil here.

The merits of this oil

Menstruation and menopause:  Fennel has plant-based substances that are similar to oestrogen, improving the production of oestrogen in the body and alleviating many premenstrual symptoms. It is also excellent for the menopause and emotional equilibrium.

Hormone balancing:  Depleted oestrogen levels in menopause cause symptoms of hot flushes, sweats, headaches, fatigue, dry skin, joint pain, and depression. Fennel, Peppermint and Lemon essential oils also help to alleviate hot flushes.  

For immediate relief, dilute a couple of drops of Fennel essential oil in Sweet Almond oil and massage onto a fatty part of your body such as your stomach where your hormones are stored.

Strengthens a calmer, clearer mind:  The calming and strengthening actions of Fennel oil improve anxiety and stress. Inhaling Fennel essential oil stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and calms adrenaline levels.

Pain calming:  An excellent oil for calming pain and menstrual cramping.    

Decongestant unclogger:  Effective for clearing mucus and phlegm in the nasal tracts, larynx, pharynx, bronchi and lungs that are the result of colds and viral infection. Fennel is excellent for coughs.

Depurative, purifying detoxer:  A purifying oil that purifies the bloodstream of toxins and acids.

 Natural cleanser for a fresher skin tone:  Fennel’s excellent cleansing ability as a face tonic helps to cleanse the skin of impurities to make skin clearer and improve a naturally fresher skin tone. 

Candida anti-fungal:  Clears infections of the nails, skin, hair and ordinary yeast infections such as Candida albicans.

Dysmenorrhea for menstrual pain:  Fennel essential oil has the potential to calm menstrual pain in women. 

Circulation for gout:  Toning actions help to improve circulation and the cleansing of toxins that cause gout flare-ups. Fennel is excellent for detoxing both the skin and internal organs.

Flatulence, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, aperitif, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic, expectorant, splenic, tonic, improves circulation, improves digestion, soothes and purifies the intestines.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.