Zingiber officinale

Knotted and gnarled in appearance, ginger root has a pungent, spicy, sweet flavour and aroma. It produces a fresh, pungent, earthy essential oil when steam distilled from the roots of the flowering ginger plant, Zingiber officinale. Ginger essential oil is imbued with many excellent therapeutic substances and actions. It is a potent analgesic and anti-inflammatory oil and is exceptional for aches and pains because it calms inflammation and the pain of inflammation. Very uplifting to the mind when diffused, Ginger energises and stimulates the whole body and is excellent for an invigorated, clear mind and for improving memory.

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The merits of this oil 

Fibromyalgia:  A rheumatic disorder known to cause muscular or musculoskeletal pain with sore joints and localised sensitivity in the body. Ginger essential oil is excellent for the pain of fibromyalgia.

Pain calming:  Ginger is an excellent natural pain calmer. Similar to capsaicin, gingerol calms pain on the nerve receptors and simultaneously helps to relieve the inflammation that could be causing the pain.

A strong antioxidant:  Saturated with natural antioxidants, Ginger prevents the deterioration caused by the free radical pollution that occurs in everyday life. Ginger essential oil is proven to halt oxidative stress by neutralising electrons from the lipids that caused the deterioration to start with.

Stomachic:  Ginger is an excellent soother of indigestion. It improves digestion and is a cleanser of the bowels.

Anti-spasmodic:  The anti-spasmodic actions of this oil calm muscle spasms, stomach spasms and bowel disorders such as stomach ache and upset stomach. Excellent essential oils for relieving leg cramps are Ginger, Lavender, Marjoram, Peppermint, Wintergreen and Fennel.

Heart health:  Ginger might be effective for the heart because it helps clear cholesterol and prevents blood clots.

Respiratory healer:  Very effective for respiratory ailments such as colds, flu, bronchitis and asthma. This oil has excellent anti-inflammatory actions to help calm the swelling and inflammation in the air passages and lungs. Ginger is excellent for respiratory ailments.

Pain calming menstrual soother:  Excellent therapeutic actions calm menstrual symptoms of cramping, bloating, backache, headache and emotional sensitivity. Ginger is positive for the mind. 

Ingesting a drop of Ginger essential oil is more effective for muscular pain than many prescribed pain calmers. This is because of the excellent pain calming, circulation strengthening substances that stimulate circulation in the body.

Liver health:  This oil has shown liver protecting potential and antioxidant activity in several studies.

Ginger calm gas, improves circulation, relieves aches and pains and calms inflammation.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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