Cistus ladaniferus

Cistus ladaniferus is a beautiful evergreen flowering shrub that is grown for its therapeutic resin. It produces a viscous, herbaceous, woody and earthy essential oil when steam distilled from the resin. Labdanum essential oil has excellent antitussive and anti-inflammatory substances and actions for soothing coughs. It is excellent for mature, ageing skin and could be included in your moisturisers and lotions to improve a fresher skin tone. 

Shop Labdanum essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Mind calming:  Calming to the mind and excellent for stress.  Diffuse the oil for its calming actions on the mind.

PMS and menstrual regulator:  It regulates PMS, menstruation and irregular menstruation in particular. Pain calming substances calm the symptoms of PMS and menstrual cramping. Labdanum could be diluted with Sweet Almond oil and massaged on your stomach to stimulate menstruation when it is about to start.

Soothes coughs:  Labdanum essential oil has anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory actions that are excellent for soothing coughs. Anti-tussives are used in cough preparations to calm inflamed coughing. Labdanum should be diluted in a base oil for massage on your chest or steam inhalation to unclog phlegm and clear the respiratory tracts.

Beautiful skin:  Labdanum is effective for perking up ageing, wrinkled skin.  Include it with your moisturisers and lotions to improve skin tone.

Memory strengthener:  Pinenes in essential oils such as Labdanum have therapeutic actions to improve memory and clear the mind, improving a clearer, focused mind.

Expectorant to unclog phlegm:  Labdanum essential oil makes a soothing expectorant for unclogging mucus or phlegm. Make your own balm with any moisturising oil that includes Labdanum for massage on your chest, or steam inhalation.  

Joint pain, disinfects sores, skin infections, pain calming, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, antitussive, astringent, balsamic, emmenagogue, expectorant and a tonic. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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