Lavandula angustifolia

Such a beautiful plant with its green foliage and slender arching flowering stems that bloom from early summer into autumn. Lavender is a glorious sight when planted en masse and in perennial gardens. The grey-green foliage and lavender spires make decorative hedges for flowers and herbs.  Lavender is grown for its therapeutic pure essential oil that is steam distilled from the flowering tips to produce a fresh, floral, light, powdery, sweet oil. It is excellent for headaches. This oil Is prized in aromatherapy for its ability to lighten the mind and calm nerves. It improves emotional equilibrium with the uplifting aroma that is so calming. 

Shop Lavender essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Itching skin soother: Saturated with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial substances, Lavender eradicates the fungus and bacteria responsible for itchy-skin ailments such as eczema, scabies, athlete’s foot, shingles, and scalp itch.

Soothes dry skin:  Excellent for skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Sore muscles:  A strong anti-spasmodic for muscular aches.  

Anti-depressant:  The soft, floral aroma of Lavender is renowned for calming the mind and soothes nerves.   

Strong pain calmer:  The pain calming actions of Lavender essential oil are excellent for headaches.

Fibromyalgia:  Excellent for the pain of fibromyalgia.

Disinfectant for sores:  Accelerates healing to mild scalds, sores and scrapes.

Strengthens immunity:  Effective for lupus and helps strengthen the immune system.

Rheumatism, sprains, flu, dandruff, breath freshener, heals chapped lips, anti-septic. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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