Leptospermum petersonii

The Lemon Tea Tree is an ornamental plant that thrives in woodlands, gardens and hedges, besides being grown also for its therapeutic essential oil.  The aromatic lemon leaves are steam distilled to make a citrus and lemon fresh pure essential oil. The fresh lemon aroma is very calming for depression or stress. It has similar therapeutic actions to those of Tea Tree essential oil with strong anti-fungal, anti-septic and anti-bacterial substances.  Lemon Tea Tree is a very effective air freshener for cleansing the air. It is also an excellent natural deodorant and deodoriser. 

Shop Lemon Tea Tree essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Respiratory unclogger:  Very effective for unclogging the chest in coughs and colds.

Inflammatory acne:  Lemon Tea Tree when diluted is excellent for oily skin and acne, particularly inflammatory acne.

Natural deodorant:  An excellent anti-bacterial, Lemon Tea Tree is a natural for deodorants because it eradicates the bacteria that cause the odour.

Fungicidal mold:  This oil is excellent for eradicating the bacteria and fungus that cause mold.

Air freshener:  Lemon Tea Tree is excellent for cleansing the air with strong actions that disinfect and freshen.

A clear mind anti-depressant:  This oil calms the mind with uplifting and calming actions for stress, making Lemon Tea Tree oil also a very effective anti-depressant. 

Anti-fungal oil for Candida:  The excellent anti-fungal substances in this oil are very effective for the fungal yeast that causes Candida albicans. 

Anti-inflammatory, anti-mucus, digestive stimulant, excellent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-infectious, excellent anti-septic, expectorant, immune system stimulant and vulnerary. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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