Litsea cubeba

Litsea cubeba is an evergreen tree with green leaves and aromatic pale yellow and white lemon smelling flowers that are followed by aromatic fruits.  A bold, fresh, lemony, fruity essential oil is steam distilled from the spicy fruits.  A tonic for the nervous system, Litsea essential oil is very effective for clearing the head when anxious or stressed. Its superb mind calming actions cause high blood pressure to respond positively, as a result. Besides this, Litsea is prized for its excellent anti-inflammatory substances for healing of inflammation in the body. It imparts a freshness to blends that is also excellent in deodorants to curb perspiration.

Shop Litsea Cubeba essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Mind energising:  Its fresh, stimulating, uplifting actions are excellent for energising fatigue and lethargic attitudes of mind.

Tonic for nerves:  A tonic for the nervous system and very effective for clearing the head when anxious or stressed. It cools and calms nerves.

Athlete’s foot:  Excellent anti-fungal substances withstand the fungus responsible for athlete’s foot. 

Healer of respiratory infections:  Excellent anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-viral actions help to soothe and heal coughs and colds. 

A respiratory tonic:  When vaporised, Litsea Cubeba makes an effective respiratory tonic.

Anti-inflammatory:  This oil is most valued for its anti-inflammatory substances for healing inflammation in the body and its calming actions for the mind.  

Oily skin cleanser:  A very effective astringent and anti-septic for oily skin cleansing and for disinfecting pores.  Litsea is also effective for dermatitis.   

Blood pressure:  Litsea calms the mind of stress and lowers high blood pressure.

Curbs perspiration:  An excellent deodorant to calm perspiration. 

Gas, indigestion, improves digestion and calms pain.   


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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