Citrus reticulata

Citrus reticulata, the Mandarin citrus tree, has dark green leaves and white aromatic flowers that bloom from mid to late autumn followed by sweet-fleshed, golden fruits in the summer. Mandarin essential oil is cold pressed from the rind to make an oil that is a warm citrus with soft floral notes, reminiscent of orange blossoms. Mandarin essential oil is the sweetest of citrus oils and the most calming with its warm citrus, sweet, delicate floral aroma and is very uplifting. It has a balancing energy that calms stress for a clearer, focused mind. It is a superb oil for perking up a dull skin tone, Mandarin moisturises dry skin to make it radiant. The anti-septic actions disinfect skin and balance oily skin. 

Shop Mandarin essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Safe for children:  Mandarin is safe for children and when diffused into the air calms hyperactive children.

Nerves:  Calms the nervous system. 

A calm, clear mind:  This oil has a soothing, balancing energy that calms stress and nerves, resulting in a sharper, clearer mind. 

Anti-spasmodic that calms muscle spasms:  The excellent anti-spasmodic actions of this oil are excellent for soothing muscle spasms and calming tight muscles when massaged.

Natural, beautiful skin:  Mandarin is superb for a drab skin tone and moisturises dry skin for softer glowing skin health. It calms skin infections and balance oily skin, also improving the appearance of scars and age blemishes, regenerating skin to freshen skin tone.

Circulation and lymphatic flow:  Improves lymph circulation with actions that calm the symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. 

Depurative purifierPurifies the bloodstream by flushing toxins through urine.

Hepatic liver protector:  Protects the liver from infection and improves the discharge of bile from it.

Immune tonic:  Tones health and improves functioning of the immune system. 

Cleansing diuretic:  Mandarin increases urine flow while cleansing and detoxing the bloodstream.

Anti-septic, digestive, nervous calmative, and stomachic. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.