Ocimum gratissimum

Clove Basil grows into a tall extremely aromatic shrubby herb. The dainty white flowers and buds are steam distilled to produce an oil that is fresh, sweet and spicy. Ocimum dazzles in diffuser and inhaler blends that energise and focus the mind, calming stress and anxiety. Ocimum is a gentle yet energising masculine aroma in men’s aromatic blends. It is a strong oil that should be used in mild doses. The aroma calms the mind, while the anti-infectious substances in the oil are excellent for preventing infection in sores.

Shop Ocimum essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Anti-bacterial disinfectant:  Prevents infection in sores and scrapes. 

Unclogger of phlegm:  An effective oil for bronchitis and coughs, unclogging phlegm when inhaled.

Skin infections:  Diluted in a base oil such as Sweet Almond oil, Ocimum is a strong anti-bacterial for skin infections.

Calming and energising:  Ocimum’s aroma is similar to that of Basil and Clove essential oils. It lifts the mind and improves focus. It energises in diffuser blends and aromatic spritzers, calming and uplifting the mind.

Masculine deodorant:  A masculine aroma for men’s aromatic blends and soothing when diffused into the air to calm the mind.

Gout, fungal infections, anti-convulsive in nature, calms stomach upsets, headaches.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.