Mentha piperita

Peppermint is a spreading aromatic herb with dark green leaves and spires of dainty flowers in summer.  The essential oil is steam distilled from the green menthol saturated leaves to make an oil that is mint fresh. The fresh mind aroma is excellent for calming stress, depression, and energises tiredness. This oil energises fatigued, lethargic attitudes to stimulate brain activity and improve focus.  It is also an excellent pain calming oil for anyone with headaches, the pain of neuralgia, muscles and joints, bones or sinus pain.

Shop Peppermint essential oil here

The merits of this oil 

Strong pain calmer:  Just as strong as some prescribed analgesics. Sinus headaches calm when this oil is diffused into the air. Peppermint is just as effective and excellent for bronchitis, asthma, coughing and colds.

Urinary tract infections:  Peppermint oil is excellent for urinary tract infections, mainly because it has strong anti-bacterial, healing actions. 

Digestion:  This oil is excellent for digestive ailments and indigestion.

Anti-depressant:  Fresh and bright, Peppermint essential oil calms depression, stress and nerves. It invigorates the brain and is uplifting and energising, causing uplifted emotion.

Upset stomach:  An effective oil for calming upset stomachs and gas.

Skin rashes:  Peppermint oil has excellent pain-calming, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory actions for skin ailments, rashes and itching.

Headaches:  An excellent pain calming oil for the pain of headaches.

Anti-spasmodic:  An effective anti-spasmodic for stomach and bowel spasms.

Anti-neuralgic:  Excellent for calming the pain of neuralgia.

Strengthens immunity:  It has strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral substances for strengthening of the immune system.

Nail fungus:  The anti-fungal substances are effective for calming and preventing nail fungus.

Oily skin unclogger:  This fresh oil is an excellent anti-bacterial unclogger that cleanses pores and disinfects.

Glowing skin:  It lightens dull skin for improved skin tone and makes skin bright and beautiful.

Anti-bacterial, anti-convulsive, anti-neuralgic, anti-septic, anti-tussive, anti-viral, aperitive, astringent, calms gas, cholagogue, cordial.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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