Origanum majorana

Marjoram is a shrubby herb with dainty white flowers and aromatic green leaves that are milder in flavour than Oregano.  A warm, woody, spicy, green essential oil is steam distilled from the flowering plant. Marjoram pure essential oil is excellent in natural aromatic blends for calming the mind. Excellent for its uplifting aroma, Marjoram calms stress and nerves, making it excellent also for depression. Its calming influence on the mind makes it excellent for abnormally high blood pressure, improving blood circulation by dilating veins. 

Shop Marjoram essential oil here

The merits of this oil

Calms pain and soothes nerves:  Calms inflammation and the pain of sore muscles, sprains or nerve pain. Muscle aches, strains, cramps and spasms are immediately soothed.  

Itch calmer:  It has pain calming actions that calm itching. 

Sweet uplifter of the mind:  Sweet Marjoram energises the mind and calms depression. The uplifting aroma affects a clearer, focused mind and calms nerves. 

Sleep apnoea:  An excellent oil for sleep apnoea.

Pain calming for headaches:  The pain calming actions of this oil are excellent for headaches.

Anti-spasmodic for coughs and muscle aches:  Marjoram is effective for coughs and tight chests because it opens the sinus and breathing passages. Besides this, anti-spasmodic actions calm the pain of muscle aches and sprains.

Calms nerves and lowers blood pressure:  Marjoram is so uplifting for the mind that it causes heightened emotion. Just inhaling the vapours, either from the bottle or diffused into the air, calms the nervous system and dilates blood vessels to lower blood pressure and prevent strain on the heart. 

Respiratory calmer:  Chronic coughing is calmed with the excellent Marjoram essential oil. It also protects from viral infections, and unclogs phlegm in the lungs, larynx, bronchi, pharynx, and bronchi.

Fibromyalgia:  Very effective for calming the pain of sore joints and the muscle spasms of fibromyalgia.

Anti-septic disinfectant:  Prevents infection in sores and scrapes.

Anti-viral for flu and colds:  Marjoram is an excellent anti-viral for flu and the ordinary cold.  Diffusing Marjoram cleanses the air of cold and flu viruses.

Circulation:  Increases and improves blood circulation and calms the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

Superb anti-bacterial disinfectant:  Marjoram has anti-bacterial actions to prevent infection in sores. The bright uplifting aroma and disinfecting substances in the oil make it superb for cleaning surfaces in living areas.

Gastric ulcer calmer:  Very effective for gastric ulcers. 

Asthma, bruises, arthritis, mouth ulcers, colic, digestive ailments, regulates menstrual cycle, tones the sympathetic nervous system, anti-fungal, diuretic. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.