Citrus reticulata

Citrus reticulata is a tree with dark green glossy leaves and aromatic white flowers that bloom in the autumn. It produces sweet-fleshed golden fruits in summer.  Tangerine essential oil is cold pressed from the rind and has a sparkling sweet citrus fresh aroma. It is an excellent brain and nerve tonic that stimulates brain activity and is particularly effective for depression, mind fatigue, forgetfulness, and stress. A gentle oil for children that soothes and calms them. Tangerine essential oil is excellent in massage blends and natural products.

Shop Tangerine essential oil here.  

The merits of this oil

Calms the mind:  Tangerine essential oil is calming on the human nervous system and for that reason also calms nerves and depression 

Skin beauty:  Tones the skin and balances oily skin, while it is also moisturising and softening for dry skin.

Immune strengthener:  Tangerine boosts immunity to prevent infection in the body. 

Lymphatic drainage:  Improves lymph drainage and increases lymph circulation. 

Improves scars:  Blended with Frankincense in a lotion or balm Tangerine improves the appearance of scars, including stretch scars.

Calming for children:  Tangerine is very effective for children and calms tummy upsets and the burps of children. 

Fresh glowing skin tone:  A rejuvenating oil that improves skin tone and particularly effective for ageing, mature skin.

Digestive tonic:  Has a tonic action on the stomach that is effective for most digestive upsets.

Mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-septic, stomachic, tonic, sedative, muscle spasms, increases urine flow, oedema, anti-spasmodic, digestive stimulant and mild anti-spasmodic.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.