Valeriana Officinalis

In nature, Valerian grows in marshes and on river verges.  It forms rhizomes that send up dark green serrated leaves and flowering stems with clusters of white aromatic flower buds.  The essential oil is steam distilled from the roots and has a strong woody earthy aroma typical of root oils. Valerian Root has been used for hundreds of years to calm epilepsy and depression and is a known sedative. It is a nerve tonic and therapeutically excellent for calming the mind, ADHD, nerves and insomnia. It energises the brain to increase cognitive ability and fresh, clear thinking, also improving memory.

Shop Valerian Root essential oil here

The merits of this oil

A calmer equilibrium:   Valerian calms and balances emotional health and is used for children, particularly with attention deficit disorder or ADHD, and women with premenstrual tension. A known sedative and calming oil for the mind, it improves a tranquil, calm equilibrium.

Skin health:  Valerian saturates skin with moisturisation and freshens skin tone. It forms a very effective anti-viral barrier on the skin that protects from infection. An excellent oil for mature, ageing skin that improves wrinkles and blemishes. 

Valerian essential oil could be included in skin lotions for perking up dry skin. The anti-bacterial substances in this oil are effective for sores, eczema, psoriasis, acne, itching skin and insect bites. 

Stomach upset:  Calms gastrointestinal ailments and an upset stomach.   

Cognitive functioning:  Stimulates cognitive ability and energises brain function.  

Menstrual cramps:  Calms menstrual cramping with gentle sedative actions. 

Stomachic:  Improves the health of the stomach. 

Anti-spasmodic:   Excellent anti-spasmodic for muscular cramps, calming spasms and restless legs. 

Nerve tonic:  This oil is excellent for calming nerves.  

Heart palpitations:  Known to calm heart palpitations, the volatile actions of this oil stimulate a normal metabolic heart rate and could help cardiovascular health.  

Pain soother:  A very effective natural remedy for menstrual ailments and dysmenorrhea.  It is very effective for gout, rheumatism and headaches caused by colds or flu.  

Protects the skin, pain calming, anti-bacterial, anti-convulsive, anti-depressant, flatulence, diuretic, fevers, hepatic and vermifuge. 


Valerian Root essential oil is able to inhibit the chemicals produced by the body’s overreaction to stress, also improving ADHD. It augments levels of gamma aminobutyric acid in the brain. This chemical calms anxiety and nerves. The aromatic actions of this oil calms seizures, anxiety, neuralgia, depression, emotional stress, restlessness and tension.


Although many essential oils claim to positively affect cognitive ability, Valerian root is proven to energise the brain.  It stimulates brain activity, increases circulation and lifts emotional perspective for fresh clear thinking.  It is effective also for older people who want to improve their brain functioning and memory to prevent cognitive ailments.


The same actions that make Valerian root so effective for stress and anxiety, also help the body regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure causes an unnecessary strain on the heart. Valerian essential oil calms the mind and improves the health of your heart.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.