Thymus vulgaris linalool

Thyme is a shrubby, woody evergreen herb with aromatic grey green leaves and clusters of flowers that grow in the summer. Thyme essential oil is steam distilled from the fresh flowers and leaves and has an uplifting fresh herbaceous woody aroma that is invigorating to the whole body. White Thyme essential oil is an excellent anti-bacterial, expectorant and anti-tussive for sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchial phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, spasmodic coughing and whooping cough.

Shop White Thyme essential oil here.  

The merits of this oil

Toenail fungal infections:  Cleanse the affected nail with soap and water.  Dab a couple of drops on the infected nail and when the oil has soaked into your nail, gently scrub with a soft brush.

Calms flu:  An excellent oil for flu. The anti-septic actions of Thyme are boosted when inhaled or diffused into the air to calm the respiratory tracts.

Anti-bactericidal:  A strong anti-bacterial known to eradicate many bacteria such as MRSA or staph. strains of bacteria.

Bronchitis, laryngitis or phlegm:   Thyme has expectorant, anti-tussive and balsamic actions that are very effective for sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchial catarrh and bronchitis, asthma, spasmodic coughs and whooping cough.

Respiratory infections:  Calms bacterial, viral, or fungal respiratory infections when steam inhaled for its healing vapours.

Candida albicans:  Thyme essential oil blended with Clove essential oil is very effective for bacterial vaginosis or Candida albicans.

Sore muscles:  Has pain calming actions for sore muscles and joints.

Heart health:  Improves a calmer heart rate and strengthens the cardiac muscles.

Purifying diuretic:  Excellent diuretic for cleaning up of the urinary tract and kidneys through the flushing of waste substances and toxins from the body such as uric acid, excess bile, acids, salts, water and fats.

Menstruation:  Very effective for regulating irregular, pained or obstructed menstruation, besides calming headache, pain in lower abdomen, fatigue, appetite and emotional equilibrium.  

Mind stimulating:  Thyme is invigorating to the whole body and has substances that improve a clearer, focused mind.

Sleep apnoea:  Excellent for sleep apnoea and for snoring.  Thyme is extensively used for respiratory ailments and helps to clear blocked respiratory tracts that may cause apnoea.

Energises fatigue:  Invigorating to the mind, Thyme energises lethargic attitudes and fatigue.  It improves blood flow and stimulates the immune system.  Massage this oil diluted for an immediate energy boost.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.

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