Gaultheria procumbens
Gaultheria procumbens is a spreading rhizomatous, woody, evergreen groundcover with rounded, glossy green leaves and flowers that produce the large edible red berries. It grows and thrives in woodlands and on mountain slopes. Wintergreen essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves for an oil that is mint fresh, uplifting and stimulating to the mind. Wintergreen essential oil is a purifying detoxer and diuretic that cleanses toxins from the bloodstream, the cause of rheumatism, arthritis and gout. It has two therapeutic substances, menthyl salicylate and gaultherilene, that are excellent in anti-arthritic and pain calming balms for muscle and joint pain. Although effective, these substances are extremely toxic and should never be ingested or used for longer than necessary.
Shop Wintergreen essential oil here.
The merits of this oil
Strong analgesic: Wintergreen essential oil is a strong analgesic and calms the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, gout or any pain in the bones, joints and muscle pain. Menthyl salicylate, one its most important substances, is equal to the main pain-relieving ingredient in aspirin.
It naturally saturates skin when massaged, causing the presence of menthyl salicylate to numb and anaesthetise the nerves, also increasing blood circulation to the area.
Wintergreen is a warming circulation stimulant. It calms and soothes muscle spasms and cramps and is excellent in massage oils because it is so stimulating on skin. Wintergreen should never be applied without dilution on the skin.
Chronic inflammation: It is excellent for chronic inflammation of rheumatism and gout, besides being effective for headaches, muscle pain or any aches with inflammation. Massage the affected area with diluted Wintergreen and wrap a moist heated towel around the aching joint for rapid relief of pain.
Anti-spasmodic: Wintergreen is a very effective anti-spasmodic and calms spasms in the respiratory, muscular, digestive and nervous systems. It also calms tight chests, respiratory breathing ailments, asthma, spasmodic coughs, muscular cramps, digestive ailments, spasmodic stomach upsets, convulsions and various nervous ailments.
Anti-septic: Wintergreen is an effective anti-septic and helps eradicate bacteria to prevent sepsis. Do not put this oil on an open sore, nor ingest it – Wintergreen is toxic. Wintergreen is easily absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream and brings relief to any internal organs.
Flatulence: Never ingest this oil, even in the slightest dilution. Rather dilute Wintergreen with Sweet Almond oil and massage onto your stomach to calm gas in the intestines.
Menstruation: Wintergreen helps to regulate obstructed menstruation and is effective for pain and fatigue.
Astringent: It is effective for tightening muscles of the skin and firms muscles.
Metabolism stimulant: Wintergreen helps gastric fluids, bile, hormones, enzymes, ovarian and uterine discharges, besides urine by stimulating the liver, gall bladder, endocrinal glands and the uterus. It also stimulates circulation of blood and lymph, digestion and excretion.
Lumbago: It is excellent for pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back.
Myalgia: Excellent for calming pain in muscles.
Respiratory unclogger: Wintergreen, when inhaled unclogs breathing passages and sinuses.
Anti-rheumatic, anti-arthritic, headaches, sciatica, neuralgia, eczema.
The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.