Calodendrum capense

The name Calodendrum capense describes the beauty of this Southern African indigenous tree – Kalos (Beautiful), Dendron (Tree) and Capense (Cape). Its leaves have a lemony pine smell while the beautiful flowers also have a slight lemony green aroma.

Cape Chestnut Oil, also known as Yangu Oil, is cold pressed from the seeds to produce a nourishing and moisturising oil with a mild aroma that is excellent for skin and hair beauty. It is saturated with strong antioxidants and essential fatty acids such as palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids to protect skin from ultraviolet light.

Shop Cape Chestnut Oil 

Shop Cape Chestnut Oil here.  

The merits of this oil

Cape Chestnut Oil is an excellent natural everyday moisturiser that saturates skin without leaving oiliness on your skin.

The anti-bacterial actions make it a natural skin soothing balm.

It increases moisture to your skin and protects from ultraviolet light with natural UV protection. 

Apply a couple of drops under your moisturiser for UV sun protection and nourish your skin while you protect it.

Moisturising palmitic acid is a natural emollient and skin softener. It retains moisture, making skin softer.

Stearic fatty acid forms a protective barrier on skin that keeps moisture in.

Oleic acid is an excellent moisturiser of wrinkles, dry, ageing skin, psoriasis, eczema, dry, flaking or sagging skin. It deters free radicals to heal skin. 

Linoleic fatty acid is an anti-inflammatory that freshens skin tone with rejuvenating actions. This fatty acid is not naturally produced by your own skin, the reason it is essential for skin health.

An excellent oil for dry, deteriorated skin, Yangu calms psoriasis, eczema, stretch scars, dry scaling itching skin, chapped lips, and sagging, ageing skin.

Yangu is a light and nourishing oil that should be applied straight from the bottle on your skin or hair. 

Cape Chestnut oil has similar therapeutic actions to Coconut Oil on the hair that helps prevent hair thinning. 

Yangu Oil is an excellent hair moisturiser because it permeates the hair protein in your own hair. 

Yangu Oil has rich antioxidants with nourishing actions to moisturise and soften hair, making dry or wispy hair beautiful, naturally.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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