Oenothera biennis

Evening Primrose is a flowering plant with light yellow flowers that bloom in the evening, permeating the air at dusk with a soft perfume. The seeds are harvested and cold pressed to make an excellent therapeutic oil. It has a strong pain calming analgesic substance named phenylalanine that is excellent for headaches, sinus pain, bone injuries, muscle pain, and joint pain.

A study involving several people with diabetic neuropathy, nerve pain that affects the legs and feet, were relieved that Evening Primrose Oil could calm their pain. A dose of 500 to 1000 mgs of Evening Primrose Oil per day, bolstered with a supplement of Vitamin E Oil, significantly helped to calm the pain. It is thought that Evening Primrose Oil has possible therapeutic actions for ageing, heart disease, hyperactivity in children, menopause, acne, weight health, obesity, premenstrual symptoms, itchy eczema, and dermatitis.

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The merits of this oil

Evening Primrose Oil is thought effective for acne, psoriasis, arteriosclerosis, asthma, cholesterol, dermatitis, lupus, prostate health, weight health, rosacea, scleroderma, upset stomach, nails, scalp and hair, bowel flare-ups, and calms carbohydrate cravings.

It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-thrombotic, anti-allergy, and vasodilating actions.

Primrose Oil calms the inflammation of endometriosis.

A strong oil for chronic headaches, sinus pain, bone injuries, sore muscles, sore joints, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

It is said to be effective for eczema because of gamma linoleic acid. This fatty acid isn’t naturally produced in the body. Evening Primrose Oil is a rich source of this fatty acid.  

Could be positive for menopause and PMS symptoms such as premenstrual breast sensitivity, bloating, cramps, headaches, and moodiness. Evening Primrose Oil is thought to be excellent for fibrocystic breasts. 

Is effective for psoriasis, an auto-immune disease that causes raised, scaly areas to appear on the skin, usually affecting the elbows, knees, or scalp.

Prevents nerve deterioration of diabetes.

Evening Primrose Oil encourages hair growth

Gamma linoleic acid is a strong anti-inflammatory and excellent fatty acid for moisturisation of the scalp and hair. It could help prevent hair thinning and encourage hair growth where it is balding. Hormone imbalances could be the cause of hair thinning. Evening Primrose Oil balances hormones. Massage your scalp with a dash of oil or ingest it to encourage hair growth. 

Improves the hormones that regulate menstruation 

Evening Primrose Oil encourages healthy menstruation in women with hormone balancing actions. The oil is saturated with gamma linolenic acid and helps to calm inflammation and menstrual cramps. It could be effective for acne, PMS, breast sensitivity, and gastrointestinal ailments.

Could improve oestrogen to prevent osteoporosis 

A known cause of osteoporosis in women is depleted levels of oestrogen, and in men, testosterone. The growth and parathyroid hormones are important because they regulate the absorption of calcium in the bones.  Evening Primrose Oil ingested with fish oil could help to improve calcium absorption and healthy bone formation.  Evening Primrose could be a strong, natural hormone balancing oil. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.