Cannabis sativa

The active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabiole occurs mainly in the flowering tips of the female plants of Cannabis sativa. When the seeds have matured, they are thoroughly washed to remove tetrahydrocannabiole and then cold pressed to make an oil that is green with a mild flavour.

Hempseed Oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is the most unsaturated oil for health that is obtained from plants. Ingesting Hempseed Oil improves the gut microbiome, cardiovascular health, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. Its rich, nourishing moisturisation is excellent for dry skin eczema, and atopic dermatitis.

Hempseed Oil is excellent for body health and is said to be nature’s most balanced oil. It has a balanced ratio of fatty acids that make it excellent for human nutrition. Edestin, a globulin protein, is unique to Hempseed Oil. Protein activates the chemical substances that necessitate muscle and cardiovascular health, and growth. Only soybeans have higher levels of protein than hemp seeds. Edestin improves digestion and is similar to the globulin in human blood plasma.

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The merits of this oil

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are healthy fats that form the main part of Hempseed Oil.

Hempseed is thought to be the most unsaturated oil for health. Essential fatty acids are of importance to health.

Most people have a dietary deficiency because they eat processed foods instead of healthy produce. Since the human body does not naturally produce these fatty acids, they are obtainable only from healthy foods or from excellent oils such as Hempseed Oil.

Hempseed is a strong anti-inflammatory oil that is healthy for the body, particularly brain functioning.

It strengthens immunity and improves skin health, preventing skin growths.

Hempseed Oil lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health.

Improves brain functioning, hyperactivity and learning challenges in children, including ADHD.

This antioxidant skin balm improves skin ailments such as eczema.

An excellent emollient moisturiser that soothes inflammation and itchy, dry skin.

Calms eczema and atopic dermatitis. Hempseed is a strong moisturiser for dry, itchy skin because of its balanced polyunsaturated fatty acids.  It calms psoriasis and soothes dry, itchy skin inflammation when massaged on skin.  

It has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial actions to calm acne. It is a rich source of gamma-linoleic acid and astringents to unclog pores.   

What you eat affects your gut microbiome and the bacteria that live in your intestines. The essential fatty acids in Hempseed Oil improve immune functioning and healthy gut bacteria.

Hempseed Oil has a plant sterol named sitosterol that is part of many plant foods with immense health perks. Ingesting Hempseed Oil could improve your cholesterol levels.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.