Azadirachta indica

Every part of this tree, the branches, leaves, fruit, seeds, flowers, roots, and bark have therapeutic purpose. Cold pressed from the seed kernels, it produces an exceptionally rich oil with a heavy odour. The most significant substance in Neem Oil, azadirachtin, makes it a strong anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

Neem Oil solidifies at typical room temperatures.  Extremely rich with a strong odour, this oil is naturally semi-solid and should be liquefied by immersing the bottle in a bowl of steaming water. Neem could be included in your cleaning products because of its strong anti-bacterial actions.

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Neem Oil in the Garden

Neem repels nematodes, mites, beetles, locusts, ants, roaches, termites, flies, ticks, mosquitoes, and lice. A blend of castile soap and water with a dash of Neem Oil could be sprayed on your plants to eradicate aphids and repel most insects. It could also be included in a lotion to deter insects and mosquitoes. Use it in your liquid hand soaps to strengthen the anti-bacterial action.

The merits of this oil

Neem Oil is saturated with moisturising Vitamin E and oleic, and linoleic fatty acids that are excellent for skin health, acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

Neem Oil is an excellent dry skin moisturiser. It calms eczema inflammation with Vitamin E antioxidants and fatty acids that form a protective barrier to moisturise dry skin. 

Calms acne prone skin and clears pimples with anti-bacterial action that eradicates bacteria from pores.    

A strong anti-fungal oil for athlete’s foot, nail, and skin fungal infections. 

Neem is a non-toxic insecticide and a strong anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial oil because of the phytochemical, azadirachtin.

An excellent anti-bacterial disinfectant for infections in sores.

Strong antioxidants and carotenoids protect skin from pollution, improving skin elasticity with rich fatty acids. 

Use it in skin and hair beauty lotions. Apply Neem Oil straight on your skin or pour a dash in your skin beauty preparations in moderation. 

Neem is a skin lightener that imparts fairness to skin when applied each day.

This nourishing dry skin moisturiser eradicates skin parasites, and bacteria.

Neem is a therapeutic oil for diabetes, warts, digestive ailments, and arthritis.

Moisturises dry hair from the roots to make it softer and smoother.  

A natural for dry scalp and dandruff, Neem is excellent for scalp and hair health. Calm the strong odour and dilute with Sweet Almond Oil before massaging into your hair, and scalp.

Known to improve hair growth, Neem Oil counters the effects of hair thinning while also strengthening hair.

Neem eradicates head lice and is a natural alternative to chemical products.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.