Alive Oils Safflower Carrier Oil - Calms PMS symptoms, regulates menstruation, improves diabetes, blood glucose, insulin resistance, insulin secretion, and HDL cholesterol.


Carthamus tinctorius

This many branched herbaceous plant has thistle-type globular yellow and orange flowers that produce the flowering seed heads. The safflower is one of humanity’s oldest crops and is still grown to this day. It makes a healthy oil of unsaturated fatty acids, that includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats when cold pressed from the seeds.

Safflower Oil has a calming action on inflammation that is excellent for diabetes and heart health. Including high quality fats in your diet with diabetic treatment improves the symptoms. It should be ingested each day to calm inflammation and improve blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, including heart and arterial health, being effective also for blood clotting ailments, pain, coronary heart disease, fevers, coughs, respiratory ailments and hair growth.

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The merits of this oil

Safflower Oil has a calming action on PMS and regulates menstruation without hormone supplements that might have side effects.

Women should use this oil for irregular or sore menstruation, also to stimulate menstruation and improve PMS symptoms. Linoleic acid regulates the prostaglandins that cause hormone fluctuations during menstruation. 

The omega fatty acids are able to calm blood glucose levels in diabetes.

Ingesting Safflower Oil as a dietary supplement could help lower total and low-density lipoprotein known as LDL or unhealthy cholesterol.  

Linoleic acid helps to balance cholesterol levels to prevent atherosclerosis or heart ailments such as stroke.

Safflower Oil is known to be effective for obesity and weight health.

The linoleic acid in Safflower oil moisturises and improves the appearance of skin with rejuvenating actions that freshen skin tone.  

Rich in oleic acid, Safflower Oil is excellent for the scalp and hair.  It increases circulation to the scalp and stimulates hair growth, strengthening hair follicles to make hair glow with natural health.

Safflower oil is used as an expectorant to help loosen and unclog phlegm.

It is also used as a laxative to cleanse the bowels. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.