Alive Oils Allergy Calm Blend


Calm tight chests, scratchy throats, clogged noses, sneezing, and wheezing

Airflow Calm, Hay Fever Calm, and Sneeze Calm are calming pure essential oil blends in the Allergy Calm range. They have phytochemical substances to calm inflammation and strengthen immunity. Each blend has antihistamine, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, mucolytic actions for pain, chest tightness, and phlegm.

An allergy is a negative immune response from the body to an innocuous substance such as pollen, grass, dust or mold that causes a hypersensitive reaction that produces Immunoglobulin E antibodies. The body sends histamine into the bloodstream in response to the antibodies, causing an allergic reaction.

Seasonal allergies occur because of allergens such as pollen in the air that cause hay fever symptoms of wheezing, and sneezing. When flowers, grasses, and trees fill the air with their pollen during the summer months, and then mold spores in the autumn, it affects those with allergies. People who are allergic to pollen, dust mites, animal dander, mold, grasses and pollution have symptoms of itchy rashes, tight chests, wheezing, scratchy throats, sinus inflammation, and sneezing.

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The olive tree originates from the Mediterranean. The olives are cold pressed to make Olive Oil, excellent for ingesting and moisturising in massage.


CEDARWOOD VIRGINIAN – Juniperus virginiana

Cedarwood Virginian is excellent for allergies that affect the respiratory tract. It calms coughs with anti-spasmodic actions that calm asthma, colds, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, and tightness. 

EUCALYPTUS RADIATA – Eucalyptus radiata

Eucalyptus radiata is softer in aroma that many Eucalyptus oils. It is excellent for allergies that affect the nose and calms bronchitis, phlegm, coughs and sore throats. Radiata improves airflow in the sinus passages and lungs.

PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita

Peppermint increases airflow in the sinus passages, soothes scratchy throats and when blended with Eucalyptus essential oil is excellent for respiratory tract allergy symptoms. It unclogs phlegm and has strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant actions to calm chest tightness. Peppermint is excellent for headaches, bronchitis, asthma, bronchial asthma, and calms equilibrium.


NIAOULI – Melaleuca quinquenervia var. cineole

Niaouli is a strong immune stimulant and calming oil for allergies. It has strong antiviral and antibacterial actions to calm infectious respiratory ailments and is excellent for steam inhalation. Niaouli should be gargled at the start of a cold or sore throat to prevent infection. 

OREGANO – Origanum vulgare

Oregano is a calming anti-inflammatory oil for hypersensitive allergy responses. It is a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal oil for any type of mold and has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions to calm respiratory infections. Oregano is excellent for headaches.

RAVINTSARA – Cinnamomum camphora

Ravintsara is a strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory oil for allergies that affect sinus inflammation, clogged nasal passages, tight chests, chronic respiratory ailments, and airflow.


BASIL – Ocimum basilicum

Basil is a strong anti-inflammatory blood purifying oil that calms inflammation in allergy responses. This strong anti-bacterial, purifying oil cleanses toxins, viruses, and bacteria. It increases circulation and energises the brain. Basil has strong anti-bacterial actions to eradicate the bacterium, yeast and mold spores that cause asthma allergy symptoms and respiratory tightness.  

CINNAMOSMA – Cinnamosma fragrans

Cinnamosma is a strong anti-inflammatory oil for respiratory allergies. It is soothing in massage for respiratory chest ailments and a strong disinfectant oil. Cineole, its main chemical substance, has strong anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory immune strengthening actions. Cineole and a-pinene are strong expectorant and mucolytic phytochemicals that are excellent for calming coughs. 

MARJORAM – Origanum majorana

Marjoram is a calming oil with anti-spasmodic actions to calm coughs, tight chests, muscle aches and sprains. It clears sinus passages in respiratory allergies.  Marjoram has anti-viral actions to prevent infections of flu, and colds, also calming chronic coughing. It is a strong pain calming oil for headaches and an excellent air disinfectant.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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