Alive Oils Breathe Clear Blends Pure Essential Oils


Calm asthma, bronchitis, tight chests, coughs, and colds for clearer breathing

These therapeutic blends are excellent for bronchitis, tight chests and have anti-spasmodic actions to calm asthma. Bronchial Clear, Nasal Clear, and Phlegm Clear are three pure essential oil blends in the Breathe Clear range that each have strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, anti-septic, and anti-inflammatory actions to calm bronchitis, bronchial phlegm, mucus, coughing spasms and phlegm from lungs. They each have pain calming actions to soothe the inflammation of sore throats, sinus infection, tight chests, phlegm, flu, coughs, and colds. The blends are calming for emotional equilibrium. When the mind calms, the body responds.

Shop these blends

Shop Bronchial Clear, Nasal Clear, and Phlegm Clear here. Get the Precautions for the base oils and the pure essential oils. 


SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis

Sweet Almond is an immune strengthening oil. It is rich in Vitamin E, fatty acids, zinc, and potassium. It smoothes skin and makes it glow. 


ANISEED– Pimpinella anisum

An excellent oil for dry coughs, Aniseed clears breathing in the respiratory tracts. Aniseed is a calming oil for stress.  

CLOVE LEAF – Eugenia caryophyllata     

A strong oil for bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and tightness.  Clove Leaf Oil is excellent for a sore throat. It calms depression and energises the brain.   

FRANKINCENSE – Boswellia carterii

A strong unclogging oil that clears sinus and breathing passages.  Frankincense is excellent for anxiety, stress and depression and invigorates the brain.

LAVENDER – Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender calms asthma, throat infections, flu, and bronchitis. The calming floral aroma is excellent for stress and uplifted equilibrium. 

LIPPIA JAVANICA – Lippia javanica

The strongest therapeutic chest oil, Lippia Javanica calms chronic coughing, bronchitis, pleurisy, asthma and clears the bronchial tract of phlegm and mucous. It is excellent for flu and colds.

PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita

Peppermint essential oil is excellent for sore throats, colds, sinus, coughs, and the respiratory tract. Menthol soothes inflammation in the throat, unclogging phlegm for clearer breathing. This oil is excellent for stress, depression, and energises fatigue, and focus

ROSEMARY – Rosemary officinalis

The calming vapours of Rosemary essential oil are a soothing balm for lung tightness, respiratory infections, colds, flu, and sore throats. Anti-spasmodic actions calm bronchial asthma, flu, and colds. It is a brain and nerve tonic that calms stress and improves focus.


CEDARWOOD ATLAS – Cedrus atlantica

Cedarwood is an excellent oil for unclogging bronchitis, coughs, and tightness in the chest. It is excellent for steam inhalation and unclogs the nasal and respiratory tracts. Cedarwood calms stress with its calming vapours. 

EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA – Eucalyptus citriodora

An excellent oil for asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, and phlegm. Eucalyptus citriodora is excellent for stress, a clearer mind, and uplifted emotional equilibrium. 

HELICHRYSUM – Helichrysum bracteiferum

Helichrysum is a strong oil for respiratory tightness. It is excellent for chronic coughs, bronchitis, sinus infections, asthma, phlegm, and colds. Helichrysum calms stress, and nerves.  

LEMON – Citrus limonum

A strong unclogging oil for bronchitis, asthma, bronchial catarrh, phlegm and mucus. Lemon has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory actions to calm respiratory infections. It is excellent for depression, stress, focus and alertness. 

OREGANO – Origanum vulgare

Oregano is a strong anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory oil. It has strong disinfecting actions for bronchitis, colds, flu, coughs, and phlegm.  It is a balm for the flu when coughing hurts the lungs and throat. Oregano protects from viral infections, and bacteria. It is a nerve tonic that calms stress, and nerves.

RAVINTSARA – Cinnamomum camphora

Ravintsara is excellent for pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, and asthma. It is an excellent calming oil for nerves, anxiety, depression, and stress.   

SANDALWOOD – Santalum Album

Sandalwood essential oil is excellent for whooping cough. Steam inhalation of the vapours calms colds, coughs, flu, and the respiratory tract. It improves memory, focus, and calms stress. Sandalwood is excellent for nerves.


CINNAMOSMA – Cinnamosma fragrans

Cineole and a-pinene are strong expectorant and mucolytic substances for coughs. Cinnamosma is excellent for head colds, sinus infections and respiratory ailments. Steam inhalation unclogs phlegm to soothe the respiratory tract. 

EUCALYPTUS SMITHII – Eucalyptus smithii

An excellent oil for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, fever, flu, and colds.  Eucalyptus is a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic for bronchitis. It is used in cold and cough preparations because it is such a strong oil for unclogging phlegm and soothing for sore throats. Gargle or steam inhalation of the vapours calms a sore throat immediately.  

LANTANA CAMARA – Lantana camara

This excellent respiratory oil calms breathing and unclogs phlegm.  Lantana is excellent in inhalation for chronic bronchitis and asthma. Lantana cools and calms stress.   

LEMON VERBENA – Aloysia citriodora

Lemon Verbena is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic oil. The fresh lemon aroma improves emotion and encourages an uplifted equilibrium. It energises focus. 

MYRRH – Commiphora myrrha

Myrrh unclogs bronchitis, colds, phlegm, coughs, and sore throats. It has strong anti-bacterial actions to calm coughs and colds. Myrrh unclogs phlegm in the lungs, and tightness in the chest. It is a calming and positive oil for the mind. 

RAVENSARA ANISATA – Ravensara anisata

Ravensara is a strong unclogging oil for phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract. It has expectorant actions for bronchitis, coughs, flu, and colds. Inhalation of the vapours unclogs phlegm from the nose and chest. Anisata is a brain and nerve tonic. It calms depression and energises fatigue. 

WHITE THYME – Thymus Vulgaris linalool

White Thyme has expectorant, anti-tussive, balsamic and anti-septic actions that are excellent for sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchial phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, coughing spasms, and whooping cough. Thyme energises fatigued minds. This energising oil strengthens immunity. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.