Alive Oils Energised Mind Pure Essential Oil Blends


These brain energising tonics calm, focus, invigorate and energise fatigued, tired thinkers

Mind Energise, Mind Freshen and Mind Vigour are three blends in the Energised Mind range of nerve calming, brain energising pure essential oils. Each oil is a brain energiser that improves fatigue and lethargy, and each blend a brain and nerve tonic. They are excellent for the nervous system because they calm nerves, lift depression, invigorate exhaustion, and freshen the brain to improve fatigue, clearer thinking, memory, and brain functioning.

Each calms stress, freshens the mind and energises the body. Their fresh, invigorating aromas perk the senses and improve alertness. Some oils stimulate brain activity, increasing circulation to the brain to improve brain power. Some are stress calming nerve tonics that calm nerves, clear the mind, improve perspective, and calm the mind.

Shop these blends

Shop Mind Energise, Mind Freshen & Mind Vigour here. Get the Precautions for the base oils and the pure essential oils. 


SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis

Sweet Almond is a moisturising skin beauty oil rich in vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium, zinc, and antioxidants.  A natural for smooth, glowing skin, Sweet Almond Oil is nourishing for massage on skin.   


CARDAMOM – Elettaria cardamomum

Cardamom essential oil is energising for brain fatigue and lethargy. It is a mild tonic for the nervous system and excellent in massage blends for calming nerves and uplifting depression. 

Diffuse the warm spiciness of this oil for its energising aroma and uplifting, energising vapours to improve a clearer, focused mind, lift brain fatigue and improve physical strength. Cardamom is effective for nervous exhaustion and depression because of its calming and energising nature.

CLOVE BUD – Syzygium aromaticum

Clove Bud is excellent for calming a stressed mind, energising exhaustion, and fatigue.  It freshens and stimulates the brain to improve memory, depression, anxiety, and stress.  

CORIANDER – Coriandum sativum

Coriander essential oil freshens, energises and invigorates exhaustion, fatigue, clearer thinking, memory, nerves, and brain functioning.

FRANKINCENSE CARTERII – Boswellia carterii 

Frankincense has a calming, balancing energy that is excellent for a stressed or anxious mind. It calms depression and is invigorating for the brain. 

LEMONGRASS – Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass is uplifting and energising to the mind. The fresh, sweet, lemony, green aroma energises the mind and helps to boost a positive attitude, so depression just fades. 

Lemongrass inspires and improves a clear mind with its fresh, stimulating, balancing, rejuvenating energy and lifts emotional attitude, improves alertness, and calms nerves and stress.   

PATCHOULI – Pogostemon cablin

A brain and nerve tonic that stimulates the brain and is excellent for depression, brain fatigue and memory. This oil is an excellent anti-depressant that lifts emotion to induce euphoria. 

PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita

Peppermint essential oil is excellent for stress, depression, and tired, foggy thinking. It energises fatigued minds, stimulates brain activity, and improves focus, making the mind clearer for brighter thinking.  


BASIL – Ocimum basilicum

What Basil essential oil does is lift a tired, lethargic mind. The energising, fresh aroma improves attention span and boosts brain energy. It is excellent for invigorating the brain and clears the mind of intellectual fatigue, strengthening clarity of mind.

CARAWAY – Carum carvi

Brain invigorating and calming, Caraway essential oil calms nerves and has a positive effect on emotional attitude. The sweet, spicy aroma lifts the mind and encourages uplifted, positive emotions that are energised.  

EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS – Eucalyptus globulus

This Eucalyptus is energising for the mind and calms exhaustion and stress. It helps to stimulate brain activity by increasing blood circulation and improving blood flow to the brain, enhancing brain power

GINGER – Zingiber officinale

Ginger is a brain invigorator and when diffused has a boosted and positive effect on the mind. It is stimulating to the mind and improves clearer thinking and focus, also improving memory.

LITSEA CUBEBA – Litsea cubeba

Litsea essential oil is fresh, stimulating and uplifting to the mind. It is excellent for relieving fatigue and lethargy. Litsea Cubeba is a tonic for the nervous system, and this makes it very effective for calming an anxious or stressed mind.

OCIMUM – Ocimum gratissimum

Brain energiser and invigorator, Ocimum is very effective when used for inhalation or diffuser blends to enhance focus. Its fresh, sweet and spicy aroma is very calming for stress.

TAGETES – Tagetes minuta

Tagetes essential oil is a brain invigorator for anxiety, depression, and stress.

VETIVER – Vetiveria zizanioides

Vetiver is known for its excellent mind calming actions. It is an excellent stress reliever that calms nerves, clears the mind and lifts emotional perspective. This oil is very calming. 


JUNIPER BERRY – Juniperus communis

Excellent for energising and freshening the mind, Juniper also relaxes, and calms stress, resulting in uplifted emotion.  Juniper is very effective for improving clarity of mind and memory.

LEMON VERBENA – Aloysia citriodora

Lemon Verbena is excellent for boosting focus and alertness. Its uplifting fresh lemony aroma is excellent for calming stress and anxiety. Lemon Verbena energises and focuses the mind, so you absorb and retain information better.  

MARJORAM – Origanum majorana

The warm, woody, spicy green notes are excellent for uplifting depression and stimulating the mind, Marjoram stimulates a clearer, energised mind and nervous functioning. 

NUTMEG – Myristica fragrans

Nutmeg invigorates exhaustion, nervous fatigue, stress and improves focus.  Nutmeg has powerful natural substances named myristicin and macelignan that are proven to diminish harm to neural pathways in the brain.

SCOTCH PINE – Pinus sylvestris

An excellent oil for positive emotion, Scotch Pine banishes fatigue, nervous exhaustion, and stress.

ROSEMARY – Rosemary officinalis

An excellent brain and nerve tonic, Rosemary essential oil improves attitude, stress levels, memory, and focus.

YLANG-YLANG – Cananga odorata

An excellent oil for euphoric emotion.  Ylang-Ylang is excellent for depression, and stress. It strengthens the health of the nervous system and prevents seizures when the oil is inhaled just before the seizure starts. Ylang-Ylang calms nervousness, and stress and enhances a positive, euphoric attitude.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.