Alive Oils Feminine Balance Pure Essential Oil Blends


Balance the hormones of progesterone and oestrogen to calm PMS, menstruation, and the menopause 

Feminine Pure, Feminine Restore and Feminine Tonic are three hormone balancing blends in this Feminine Balance range that are naturally calming to a stressed mind and have hormone balancing therapeutic actions.  PMS, menstruation, and menopause are affected by oestrogen and progesterone, hormones that are important to every woman’s feminine health. Pure essential oils are alive with therapeutic substances to help balance the hormones of menstruation and menopause, improving menstrual cramping, moodiness, stress, menopausal hot flushes, foggy thinking, insomnia, lethargy, and fatigue.

Pure essential oils are nature’s natural therapeutic alternative with their potential hormone balancing actions, and their nerve calming flower and fruit aromas that delight the senses. Each of our blends is recommend for their uplifting actions on the mind and body. Healing to the body is encouraged when you eat healthier foods, exercise each day, and spend time thinking happy thoughts.  A positive mind improves hormonal balance and body health.

The phytochemicals are a natural for menstruation and menopause

Although the oils are not hormones, they have phytochemical substances that affect hormones such as cortisol positively with their stress calming actions for the health of the adrenal glands. Oestrogen and progesterone imbalances in menstruation cause cramping, irregular menstruation, breast sensitivity, bloating, pimples, fatigue, moodiness, brain fog, depression, headaches, migraines, and hunger cravings. Hormonal imbalances occur in menopause when oestrogen levels drop, causing hot flushes, sweats, vaginal dryness, headaches and moodiness.

Hormones are chemical messengers 

Hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate different functions in the body, carrying messages through the blood to the various organs in the body such as your skin, muscles, or reproductive organs. When your hormones are not functioning properly, you’ll experience: 

Emotional moodiness

Depleted energy levels

Sleep quality is affected

Foggy thinking and memory fog, affecting both short-term and long-term memory

Weight fluctuations

Shop these blends

Shop Feminine Pure, Feminine Restore & Feminine Tonic here. Get the Precautions for each oil and pure essential oil.


SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis

A stunning skin beauty moisturiser that smoothes skin and makes it glow. Sweet Almond Oil is rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium, and zinc.  


BERGAMOT – Citrus bergamia

Bergamot calms nerves, anxiety, and stress. It stimulates the happy hormones, dopamine, and serotonin.

CLARY SAGE – Salvia sclarea

This tonic for female hormone balance is a uterine tonic that helps to regulate the hormones of female reproduction such as oestrogen to improve the health of the uterus. Phytoestrogens improve hormone balance. These plant-based oestrogens help to regulate oestrogen levels to improve the health of the ovaries and uterus. 

Waning oestrogen levels are a side effect of menopause that causes hot flushes, fatigue, sweats, headaches, dry skin, depression, and joint pain. A study of post-menopausal women establishes that Clary Sage improves thyroid hormone production and significantly calms cortisol stress levels. Clary Sage also calms menstrual pain.  

FENNEL – Foeniculum vulgare

Saturated with phytoestrogens, Fennel improves oestrogen production in the body to lighten PMS symptoms. This oil is excellent for the menopause and helps to balance the hormones that affect hot flushes and mood.

Fennel essential oil calms and energises the mind, making it effective for anxiety and stress.  Fennel calms nerves and the result is calmer sleep.  It is very effective for pain and menstrual cramping. Inhaling Fennel oil stimulates the sympathetic nerve system and adrenaline levels. The sympathetic nervous system manages the body’s rapid involuntary responses to stress.

FRANKINCENSE CARTERII – Boswellia carterii

Calming and hormone balancing, Frankincense is excellent for cramping, bloating, headache, moodiness, and stress. It is particularly effective for menopause because it helps regulate the production of oestrogen to lighten menopausal symptoms.

LEMON – Citrus limonum 

The liver filters and regulates hormones such as oestrogen.  A study of lemons shows that the rind is saturated with substances that stimulate the liver to regulate hormones and filter them effectively. Since Lemon essential oil is cold pressed from the rind of lemons, it should have the same effect. Lemon improves memory, alertness, and a clearer mind. 

PARSLEY SEED – Petroselinum sativum

This oil stimulates the secretion of hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone.  These feminine hormones maintain uterine health by regulating menstruation and protecting the uterus.

SAGE – Salvia officinalis

This oil calms menstrual pain, regulates menstruation, and improves menstrual flow. It is effective for oligomenorrhea, the absence of menstrual flow. Some variation in menstruation is natural, yet woman who regularly go more than 35 days without menstruating might have oligomenorrhea.

Sage calms depression and stress. It energises alertness and clarity of mind.  It calms nerves and stimulates the brain, nervous system, liver and spleen.



BASIL – Ocimum basilicum

Low oestrogen levels in menopause are the cause of hot flushes, fatigue, headaches, dry skin, depression, and joint pain.  Basil improves irregular menstruation, and menstrual cramping. It strengthens the mind to energise fatigue, and focus. Basil enhances brain energy. It is a restorative of the nervous system and calms nervousness.

CLARY SAGE – Salvia sclarea

This tonic for female hormone balance is a uterine tonic that helps to regulate the hormones of female reproduction such as oestrogen to improve the health of the uterus. Phytoestrogens improve hormone balance. These plant-based oestrogen’s help to regulate oestrogen levels to improve the health of the ovaries and uterus. 

Waning oestrogen levels are a side effect of menopause that causes hot flushes, fatigue, sweats, headaches, dry skin, depression, and joint pain. A study of post-menopausal women establishes that Clary Sage improves thyroid hormone production and significantly calms cortisol stress levels. Clary Sage also calms menstrual pain.

CORIANDER – Coriandum sativum

Coriander encourages hormone and enzyme secretions. It is an effective blood purifier that cleanses the body of toxins and fluids. Besides this, Coriander improves mind clarity, memory, brain functioning, nervous exhaustion and energises fatigue. 

ROSE GERANIUM – Pelargonium graveolens

Geranium is an excellent hormone balancing oil. It helps to lighten PMS symptoms, depression, stress, and anxiety.  The sweet floral aroma calms, balances and uplifts the mind. It is particularly calming for the nervous system and calms a tense mind.

JASMINE – Jasminum officinale

Jasmine is a significant oil for women’s health.  It is excellent for calming PMS symptoms, menopause, emotional equilibrium, including depression after childbirth.  t is used in massage blends for sore, tired muscles. The aroma stimulates hormones in the body, including serotonin, resulting in an uplifted, positive mind. 

ORANGE BIGARADE – Citrus aurantium bigaradia

This oil energises and brightens the mind, making it excellent for depression. Orange bigarade is an excellent nervine that cools, calms and balances the nervous system.  It is a stimulant of hormone production and of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, besides calming adrenaline in the blood. It is a tonic for the endocrine system.

PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita

Excellent for stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and an energising oil for lethargy and fatigue. It invigorates brain energy, and a focused clearer mind for brighter, clearer thinking.

Peppermint calms menopausal symptoms. Have a bottle with you for instant calming of hot flushes. Just inhaling the vapours calms the symptoms. A couple of drops on a cloth when inhaled has a similar action.   



ANISEED – Pimpinella anisum

The calmative actions of Aniseed are excellent for nervousness, anxiety, and stress.   Aniseed could help the oestrogen – progesterone balancing of hormones.

FENNEL – Foeniculum vulgare

Saturated with phytoestrogens, Fennel improves oestrogen production in the body to lighten PMS symptoms. This oil is excellent for the menopause and helps to balance the hormones that affect hot flushes and mood.

Fennel essential oil calms and energises the mind, making it effective for anxiety and stress.  Fennel calms nerves and the result is calmer sleep.  It is very effective for pain and menstrual cramping. Inhaling Fennel oil stimulates the sympathetic nerve system and adrenaline levels. The sympathetic nervous system manages the body’s rapid involuntary responses to stress.

MYRTLE – Myrtus communis

Myrtle balances the hormones of oestrogen and progesterone in the thyroid and ovaries.  It is a particularly calming oil that soothes nerves and a stressed mind. Myrtle is a nervine for the nervous system that calms nerves. 

MYRRH – Commiphora myrrha

This oil improves blood circulation and increases oxygen to the body.  It improves the health of the uterus and is a menstrual hormone balancer that calms hormonal imbalances.

Myrrh is a health tonic for the body that tones internal organs. It strengthens and protects them from premature ageing and infection.  Myrrh is extremely calming and brightens depression.  

NIAOULI – Melaleuca quinquenervia

Niaouli stimulates blood circulation and the secretion of hormones and enzymes. It has a calming action on metabolism, strengthens immunity, and improves excretion, digestion, and absorption.

ORANGE BIGARADE – Citrus aurantium bigaradia

This oil energises the mind, making it excellent for depression. Orange bigarade is an excellent nervine that cools, calms and balances the nervous system. It is a stimulant of hormone production and of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, besides calming adrenaline in the blood. It is a tonic for the endocrine system.

OREGANO – Origanum vulgare

Oregano helps to regulate hormones and balances hormones that are imbalanced.  It also helps to regulate menstruation and because of its hormone balancing actions could help delay the onset of menopause. 


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.