Balance your blood glucose levels and the responses of your metabolism to diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that causes elevated blood sugar levels. It occurs when the body either cannot make its own insulin or isn’t able to use insulin. The hormone insulin is produced in the pancreas and stored as glucose in every cell of the body. Your body uses this glucose for energy. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different types of diabetes. 

Gluco-Balance has the potential to improve blood glucose levels and insulin secretions with some of the oils exhibiting insulin-type activity. This blend of pure essential oils has therapeutic actions that could help your body regulate blood glucose, sugar cravings, metabolism issues, weight, antioxidant depletion and lipid peroxidation. 

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SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis

A natural oil rich in vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium, zinc, antioxidants and nourishing substances. Sweet Almond Oil strengthens immunity and imparts strong protection from disease. 

JOJOBA OIL – Simmondsia chinensis

Jojoba is a liquid wax of wax mono esters similar to the oil produced by your own skin. It is a skin beauty oil with tocopherols derived from Vitamin E and is excellent for beautiful, clear skin.

POMEGRANATE SEED OIL – Punica granatum

Pomegranate Seed Oil has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity and is excellent for anyone with diabetes or at risk of developing it. Pomegranate Oil increases circulation and helps prevent chronic disease because it improves immunity. It has a positive effect on weight, improving metabolism and fat levels to increase energy.


CINNAMON BARK – Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Cinnamon Bark essential oil is known to improve blood glucose and insulin levels.  Cinnamon has a significant action on high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, calming high blood sugar levels. Inhalation of Cinnamon essential oil causes blood sugar levels to lower and improves blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. It lowers glucose levels, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and increased insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes. 

CLOVE BUD – Syzygium aromaticum

Clove Bud is an antioxidant known to calm blood sugar levels.  It has blood purifying actions for balancing blood sugar levels, making it particularly effective for diabetes. Clove Bud Oil has anti-inflammatory chemical substances that significantly reduce toxicity in the blood and stimulate antioxidant activity in every part of the body, strengthening immunity and purifying platelets.  It is known that postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms are improved with Clove Bud essential oil. 

CORIANDER – Coriandum sativum

Coriander improves low blood glucose levels by increasing insulin secretion in the pancreas.  It demonstrates insulin-type activity at a cellular level and increases insulin from the pancreas.  Coriander reduces triglycerides, LDL and cholesterol. It promotes lipolysis, the hydrolysis of lipids, improving fat and cholesterol levels.  It improves lipolysis and weight. Lipolysis is the dissolving of lipids that involve hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids. These are the hormones that encourage lipolysis – glucagon, epinephrine, norepinephrine, ghrelin, growth hormone, testosterone and cortisol.

DILL SEED – Anethum graveolens

Dill Seed Oil regulates insulin and blood sugar. It has anti-hyperlipidaemia and anti-hypercholesteraemic actions.  It calms hyperlipidaemia and lipid formation. Dill stimulates the pancreas to improve insulin levels. 

WHITE GRAPEFRUIT – Citrus paradisi

Grapefruit essential oil activates the endocrine system and improves the secretion of enzymes and hormones that affect metabolism. It calms adrenal fatigue.  Grapefruit increases circulation and lymph flow in the bloodstream, energising the body with an increase of oxygen. The aroma has a stimulating action on the brain that decreases calorie intake. Breathe in the vapours before eating a meal to improve calories. It also calms food cravings, particularly the craving for sugary foods. 

HELICHRYSUM BRACTEIFERUM – Helichrysum bracteiferum

This anti-inflammatory antioxidant oil is a circulation strengthener. It is an excellent skin tonic that freshens skin tone., calms pain and has hepatic actions that are excellent for the liver and the proper flow of bile from it. This oil calms stress, exhaustion, and nerves. It strengthens immunity.   

LAVENDER – Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender is a protective oil for diabetes. It is a strong antioxidant that improves blood glucose, metabolism, particularly fat metabolism, weight, liver and kidney antioxidant depletion, and liver and kidney lipoperoxidation. Lavender has a calming aroma that is excellent for stress, fatigue, and nerves. 

ORANGE BIGARADE – Citrus aurantium bigaradia

Orange Bigarade is a blood glucose balancing oil. It helps the pancreas in the correct secretion of insulin. Orange Bigarade is a restorative of the endocrine and immune systems. It is a tonic for toning up every system in the body, including the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, immune, endocrine, and nervous systems. Orange bigarade keeps metabolism in order, rejuvenates the body, improves strength, and strengthens immune functioning.

OREGANO – Origanum vulgare

Oregano essential oil is a therapeutic oil for diabetes that could improve diabetes. It exhibits the highest alpha-glucosidase inhibition activity. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes to prevent the digestion of carbohydrates. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are calmed with Oregano by neutralising free radicals to prevent damage to the body, eradicating the oxidants that affect diabetes.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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