Alive Oils Hypo-Thyroid Balance Blend -This hypothyroid blend has therapeutic actions to help the hormonal balance of an underactive thyroid, including fatigue, stress and weight.


Hormone balancing blends for an underactive and overactive thyroid that also improves adrenal health

The endocrine system has several glands that are located through the body. They make and secrete hormones, chemical messengers that coordinate different functions in the body, carrying messages through the blood to the various organs in the body such as skin, and muscles.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland situated at the front of the neck, just beneath the larynx. The thyroid is important because it regulates the body’s metabolism and calcium balance. When the thyroid gland is imbalanced, various symptoms occur in the body.

Hormonal imbalances occur because of stress, the environment or chemical pollution. Symptoms might be either an increase or decrease of weight, fatigue, insomnia, depression, emotional fluctuations, and infertility.

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid caused by unusually low thyroid hormone production. The thyroid hormones affect growth, development, and many metabolic functions. Insufficient thyroid hormone causes fatigue, weight gain, a puffy face, lethargy, unhealthy cholesterol levels, thinning hair, and swelling in the joints. 

Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid gland

Hyperthyroidism is an overactivity of the thyroid gland that results in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism, causing weight to decrease. This occurs when the thyroid gland produces more of the hormone thyroxine than it should.

Shop these blends   

Shop Hypo-Thyroid & Hyper-Thyroid here. Get the Precautions for each base oil and pure essential oil.


SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis

Abundant in moisturisation, Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc, Sweet Almond Oil is a natural for beautiful skin. 


BASIL – Ocimum basilicum

Stimulates the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex produces the steroid hormones that regulate carbohydrates, fat metabolism and mineralocorticoid hormones. Basil is a nervine tonic and a restorative of nerves and the nervous system. This invigorating oil strengthens brain energy and focus. It is excellent for fatigue and the adrenal glands. 

BENZOIN – Styrax tonkinensis   

Benzoin essential oil is a therapeutic oil for the thyroid. It stimulates enzyme secretions and hormones such as insulin from the endocrinal glands to lower blood sugar levels and regulate metabolic functions. 

FRANKINCENSE CARTERII – Boswellia carterii

A strong oil for immune health because of its live Boswellia acids. The chemical structure of these acids is similar in action to steroids, calming cytokines in autoimmune diseases.

Frankincense essential oil massaged on the thyroid gland improves thyroid hormone levels. It is an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory for soothing pain and inflammation in joints. This oil is calming for stress.

ROSE GERANIUM – Pelargonium graveolens

Geranium is a stimulant of the adrenal cortex. It balances hormones in the body. The adrenal glands help the body manage stress. It does this with cortisol, the human stress hormone that regulates the body’s responses to stress.

WHITE GRAPEFRUIT – Citrus paradisi

Grapefruit Oil calms adrenal fatigue, the cause of lethargy. It activates the endocrine system to improve secretion of enzymes and hormones that affect the metabolic activities of the body. 

LAVENDER – Lavender augustifolia

People with thyroid and auto-immune thyroid ailments have insomnia because of stress.  Lavender has a positive action on insomnia and depression. It is extremely calming for nerves and encourages calm sleeping.  

Cortisol regulates the body’s responses to stress. The adrenal glands produce the steroid hormones that regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism and the mineralocorticoid hormones that balance salt and water in the bloodstream.

LEMONGRASS – Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass is excellent for thyroid and autoimmune thyroid ailments. It is excellent for its anti-inflammatory substances that are proven to reduce inflammatory cytokines. 

MYRTLE – Myrtus communis

This oil stimulates thyroid activity and corrects hormonal imbalances in both the thyroid and ovaries. Myrtle reduces inflammatory cytokines and helps to calm the autoimmune response, probably because of the anti-inflammatory actions of this oil.

NUTMEG – Myristica fragrans

Nutmeg is a strong source of myristicin, a natural substance that inhibits the enzymes caused by stress. It is excellent for insomnia because of its strong calmative actions.  Nutmeg improves sleep quality because it calms stress. 


CLARY SAGE – Salvia sclarea

The effects of Clary Sage on post-menopausal women demonstrates its positive actions on thyroid hormone levels and significant calming of cortisol, the stress hormone. Clary Sage not only balances hormones, it also calms pain. Massage Clary Sage on your feet. 

CLOVE BUD – Syzygium aromaticum

Clove bud energises hypothyroidism. It is excellent for stress, exhaustion, and fatigue. It freshens the mind and stimulates brain functioning to improve memory, depression, and stress.  

FRANKINCENSE CARTERII – Boswellia carterii

A strong oil for immune health because of its live Boswellia acids. The chemical structure of these acids is similar in action to steroids, calming cytokines in autoimmune ailments.

Frankincense essential oil massaged on the thyroid gland improves thyroid hormone levels. It is an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory for soothing pain and inflammation in joints. This oil is calming for stress.

ROSE GERANIUM – Pelargonium graveolens

Geranium is a stimulant of the adrenal cortex. It balances hormones in the body. The adrenal glands help the body manage stress. It does this with cortisol, the human stress hormone that regulates the body’s responses to stress.

WHITE GRAPEFRUIT – Citrus paradisi

Grapefruit essential oil has the ability to calm adrenal fatigue and lethargy in the body. It also activates the endocrine system to improve the secretion of enzymes and hormones that affect the metabolic activities of the body.

LEMONGRASS – Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass has many excellent therapeutic actions for thyroid and auto-immune thyroid ailments. Cytokines help regulate the immune response. This oil is excellent for its anti-inflammatory substances that are proven to reduce inflammatory cytokines. 

MYRRH – Commiphora myrrha

Myrrh is a therapeutic oil for hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. Myrrh calms stress. It strengthens circulation to increase oxygen in the bloodstream. Myrrh is a strong anti-inflammatory that calms inflammation.

MYRTLE – Myrtus communis

This oil stimulates thyroid activity and corrects hormonal imbalances in both the thyroid and ovaries. Myrtle reduces inflammatory cytokines and helps to calm the autoimmune response, probably because of the anti-inflammatory actions of this oil.

SPEARMINT – Mentha Spicata

Spearmint essential oil stimulates the secretion of hormones, enzymes, gastric fluids and bile. It improves blood circulation and is an invigorating oil for the mind. It is a stimulating oil for nerves and brain functioning.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.