Circulation strengthening, infection-fighting lymph flow and detoxing actions to improve immune health

The lymphatic system is pivotal to health because it regulates the immune system. Its main function is to cleanse the body of toxins while circulating infection fighting lymph to strengthen immunity. Every person has approximately 500 lymph nodes in their bodies that are clustered mainly in their underarms, groin, neck, chest, and abdomen.

Immune-Lymph Cleanse and Immune-Lymph Detox are two lymph circulating, detoxing pure essential oil blends that could help to improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, and detoxing of the bloodstream to strengthen your immunity. Each blend has a natural calming aroma that improves emotional equilibrium to calm the body also.

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SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus dulcis 

This is a nourishing skin beauty oil with Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium, zinc, and antioxidants. Sweet Almond Oil brightens skin tone.  

HEMPSEED OIL – Cannabis sativa 

Hempseed Oil is a rich source of essential amino acids and fatty acids, including gamma-linolenic acid, a strong anti-inflammatory that freshens skin tone. It is an excellent moisturiser for skin that doesn’t clog pores. 


AMYRISAmyris balsamifera 

Amyris is a strong detoxing oil that purifies toxins from the bloodstream. This invigorating oil stimulates lymphatic circulation and unclogs veins, improving lymph drainage. Amyris is a heart tonic that strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure with a calming woody aroma that is excellent for stress. 

CYPRESS – Cupressus sempervirens 

Cypress essential oil unclogs lymph and improves lymph drainage and circulation. It has anti-inflammatory substances to calm inflammation in the body. This fresh green aromatic is excellent for calming equilibrium and focus. It improves emotion, focus, and clearer, brighter thinking, and alertness. 

EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA – Eucalyptus citriodora 

Eucalyptus citriodora increases defence lymphocytes in the body to strengthen immunity. Anti-viral substances purify the blood and immunity is strengthened to calm asthma, bronchitis, coughs, tight chests, sinusitis, and phlegm.  The fresh lemon aroma calms stress. Citriodora is excellent in detoxing blends. 

FRANKINCENSE CARTERII – Boswellia carterii 

Frankincense improves antibody production and strengthens immunity to withstand viruses, bacteria, and toxins. It is an invigorating oil for the brain that calms depression, and stress.  This strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory oil calms pain and inflammation.

WHITE GRAPEFRUIT – Citrus paradisi 

This diuretic and lymphatic stimulant detoxes blood and improves water weight. It increases lymph circulation and has strong detoxing actions.  The fresh citrus aroma energises the mind and is excellent for depression and uplifted emotional equilibrium.   

HELICHRYSUM BRACTEIFERUM – Helichrysum bracteiferum 

Helichrysum is excellent for lupus and stronger immunity. It is a calming oil for stress, exhaustion, and nerves. 

MANDARIN – Citrus reticulata 

This oil is a lymphatic circulant that purifies blood. It has hepatic actions for the liver that affects bile positively and protects the liverMandarin tones the health of the immune system. It has a calming aroma that calms stress and clears the mind to focus.   

ROSEMARY – Rosemary officinalis 

Rosemary is a strong antioxidant for immunity. Inhalation or massage increases antioxidant activity in the blood and helps the immune system withstand infection. Rosemary is an excellent brain and nerve tonic that improves emotional equilibrium. It calms stress, improves memory, clear thinking and a fresher focused mind.  


CINNAMOSMA – Cinnamosma fragrans 

This immune stimulant strengthens the body’s immune defences when massaged on the chest, back and feet.  It increases cerebral blood flow to the brain and is a calming oil for nerves.

MYRRH – Commiphora myrrha 

Myrrh strengthens immunity because of its excellent anti-bacterial substances. It improves blood circulation and oxygen in the bloodstream and is a tonic that tones organs in the body. The antioxidant actions protect from premature ageing.  Myrrh is a strong anti-microbial, anti-viral disinfectant and blood circulant. Myrrh calms stress and invigorates the brain. It calms nerves and activates alertness. 

NIAOULI – Melaleuca quinquenervia 

This immune stimulant increases antibodies and lymphocytes in the bloodstream to strengthen immune health. Niaouli stimulates blood circulation, the secretion of hormones, enzymes, and various fluids. It improves metabolic activities such as digestion, absorption, excretion, and stronger immunity. It detoxes uric acid from the bloodstream, muscles, and joints. 

ORANGE BIGARADE – Citrus aurantium bigaradia 

This oil stimulates hormone production and balances adrenaline in the blood.  Orange Bigarade is also a stimulant of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. It has a fresh, uplifting citrus aroma that is extremely calming to the mind. 

OREGANO – Origanum vulgare 

An excellent antioxidant that deters free radicals and freshens with its anti-ageing actions. Oregano calms ageing by neutralising the oxidants that affect the health of the body.  

PARSLEY SEED – Petroselinum sativum 

This detoxing depurative freshens and cleanses the bloodstream. Diuretic substances increase urine to cleanse fluids, uric acid and salts. Parsley strengthens circulation in the body. 

RAVENSARA ANISATA – Ravensara anisata 

This strong anti-viral oil disintegrates virus coatings and is excellent for colds, influenza, cold sores, and shingles.  Ravensara is a strong disinfecting oil.

TANGERINE – Citrus Reticulata 

Tangerine is a strong depurative that freshens blood with detoxing actions that cleanse uric acid, pollutants, salts, and fluids through urine. It strengthens immune health and stimulates antibody production to heal infection. It is a strong oil for lymph drainage and increases lymphatic circulation in the body.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.