Alive Oils Lymph Flow Pure Essential Oils


Strengthen your immunity with this detoxing blend that encourages circulation and lymph flow 

The lymphatic system is important to your health because it regulates the immune system. Its main function is to cleanse the bloodstream and circulate lymph. The lymphatic system transports lymph, a fluid that circulates infection-fighting white blood cells through the bloodstream. About five hundred lymph nodes occur in the body, mainly the groin, underarms, abdomen, and chest. When your lymph nodes swell, it’s because your body is fighting infection.

It is important to exercise every day to prevent stagnating lymph, the cause of immune deficiency. Exercise gets lymph circulating through the bloodstream and strengthens immunity. A blend such as this could improve stronger immunity. Lymph Flow is a detoxing antioxidant blend of anti-inflammatory circulation strengthening anti-bacterial pure essential oils that could help to improve lymph flow, circulation, and stronger immunity. This blend is extremely calming for stress and a clearer, calmer mind. Sweet Almond Oil makes this an invigorating moisturiser of aromatic oils for a healthier, glowing skin tone

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SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus Dulcis

A light moisturising oil for skin that brightens skin tone. Sweet Almond is a nourishing oil that soothes dry skin and has a sweet aroma.


BAY LEAF – Laurus nobilis

This oil has circulation strengthening, detoxing actions to improve lymphatic drainage.  Massage Bay Leaf essential oil on swollen lymph nodes and immediately calm swelling and inflammation.  It is an excellent detoxing oil that cleanses the blood of toxins and improves circulation.  Bay Leaf is a calming oil that clears the mind to improve alertness, and focus.

CYPRESS – Cupressus sempervirens

This fresh aromatic is a decongestant of the lymphatic system that improves blood circulation. Cypress calms inflammation when massaged on the body and cleanses fluid from the body. It is a mild calmative for stress and nerves, and energises the body, improving lethargy, memory, focus and alertness.  

ROSE GERANIUM – Pelargonium graveolens

A fresh floral oil that strengthens circulation to the bloodstream and stimulates lymphatic drainage.  Geranium is a natural diuretic that helps to flush toxins from the bloodstream, preventing fluid retention.  It is a stimulant of the adrenal cortex that balances and regulates hormones. Rose Geranium freshens the adrenal glands to prevent fatigue.  An excellent oil for the nervous system, Geranium calms depression, stress, anxiety, and nerves. 

GINGERZingiber officinale

Ginger is a strong analgesic, and anti-inflammatory oil that calms pain. It energises the body, improving blood circulation and lymph flow.  Ginger is particularly effective for energising a clear, focused mind.

WHITE GRAPEFRUIT – Citrus paradisi

Grapefruit essential oil is a strong lymphatic circulant that improves blood flow to encourage oxygen to every part of the body.  It is particularly effective for cleansing, detoxing and unclogging lymph in the body. Grapefruit has a fresh, uplifting aroma for inclusion in scrubs and lotions to stimulate lymph drainage, circulation and lymphedema when massaged on skin. 

This uplifting oil is excellent for adrenal fatigue and energises a fatigued mind. Grapefruit activates the endocrine system and improves the secretion of enzymes and hormones that affect the metabolic activities of the body. It is a diuretic, lymphatic stimulant and detoxer of the bloodstream that calms water weight in the body.  Grapefruit Oil is a strong immune stimulant.

HELICHRYSUM BRACTEIFERUMHelichrysum bracteiferum

Helichrysum is a strong circulation strengthening oil for veins.  It also strengthens the immune system with diuretic actions that help to purify and cleanse the bloodstream of toxins. It improves circulation and lymph flow to strengthen immunity. It is a strong anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant oil and skin tonic that is also an excellent nervine.  

JUNIPER BERRY – Juniperus communis

Juniper is a cleansing oil with therapeutic actions to detox the bloodstream and stimulate lymph drainage.  The diuretic actions are excellent for fluid retention. It is an immune strengthener that prevents infection with anti-bacterial, disinfectant actions.

LEMONGRASS – Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass is a circulation stimulant that improves blood flow to the arteries.  It strengthens veins and makes them stronger by dilating blood vessels to encourage the smooth flow of blood through the veins. Lemongrass is a diuretic cleansing oil that improves lymphatic drainage.  It flushes water retention from the body and calms swelling to lower blood pressure. It has strong anti-microbial actions, and calms pain. This oil is extremely calming for the mind with its fresh lemon aroma that improves a clearer focused mind.

MANDARIN – Citrus reticulata

Mandarin is a blood circulant and lymphatic strengthening oil that improves lymphatic circulation. It cleanses toxins from the bloodstream.  Mandarin in an immune tonic that tones up health and strengthens immune functioning.

ROSEMARY – Rosemary officinalis

Purifying and detoxing, Rosemary drains lymph and strengthens blood circulation. Rosemary is an excellent antioxidant that strengthens immunity. 

TANGERINE – Citrus reticulata

Tangerine improves lymphatic drainage and increases lymphatic circulation. It strengthens immunity to protect from infection. Mandarin is an excellent depurative that cleanses the bloodstream of toxic substances such as uric acid, salts and fluid retention. It does this through perspiration, urine, and the excretory functions.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.