These fresh, invigorating citrus oils calm emotional equilibrium for a lighter, brighter, energised mind

Pregnancy is such an important part of a woman’s life. Being pregnant causes a gamut of emotions, from joy and happiness to moodiness. Hormonal fluctuations are the reason with fluctuating oestrogen and progesterone levels in the bloodstream that cause moodiness during the first three months of pregnancy, and then before birthing. This blend could make such a difference to your pregnancy.  

Preggy Serene is an uplifting blend of pure essential oils for pregnancy that improves energy levels because it calms stress, depression, and moodiness. This blend brightens the mind and invigorates energised thinking. The citrus fresh oils clear the mind and improve mood. Each oil has a calming action that lifts depression, soothes nerves and calms stress. Preggy Serene improves memory, calms nervousness, and invigorates energy levels. Diffuse after the third month of pregnancy.

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Shop Preggy Serene here. Get the Precautions for each base oil and pure essential oil.


LEMON VERBENA – Aloysia citriodora

Fresh, green, and sweet lemon with wispy floral notes, Lemon Verbena invigorates the mind. It energises, freshens and focuses the mind, making it alert to absorb and retain information. This oil is particularly calming for insomnia, depression, and stress.  

LIME – Citrus aurantifolia

Fresh, sweet and citrus, Lime is a rich source of natural antioxidants and nutrients. It calms the mind of stress, anxiety and nervousness. 

MANDARIN – Citrus reticulata

A delicate citrus floral aroma, similar to orange blossoms, makes Mandarin the sweetest and most calming of all the citrus oils. It has a soothing, balancing energy that calms the mind of stress. Mandarin is a tonic for health and strengthens immune functioning.

SWEET ORANGE – Citrus sinensis

Fresh citrus and uplifting, Sweet Orange is positively euphoric. It lifts depression and calms stress. It is an excellent air freshener that disinfects the air. It is particularly effective in massage blends for de-stressing the mind and body.


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.

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