Alive Oils Sinus Clear Blends - These therapeutic pure essential oil blends have anti-infectious actions to unclog sinus inflammation, calm pain, infection, and strengthen your immunity.


Unclog your sinus passages to calm sinusitis, hay fever, sinus headaches, and strengthen immunity

Sinuses are the air passages where air flows around the bones in your nose. When they get clogged, germs grow to cause infection with symptoms of facial soreness, headache, and inflammation. 

Sinus Airflow, Sinus Purify, and Sinus Unclog are three blends in this Sinus Clear range that are a balm for your sinuses and a natural alternative to drugs. They have anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-spasmodic and expectorant substances to unclog your sinuses, making you get better sooner. 

Their disinfecting, anti-septic actions calm sinus infections, asthma, bronchitis, and hay fever. The analgesic, and anti-inflammatory actions calm sinus headaches, and soothe sinus infections, also strengthening immunity.

 Strengthen your immunity to withstand infection

Strong immunity and a quality life are essential. Start your day with a calm mind and you’ll notice your body responding with stronger immunity to infection. De-stress your mind with any of our calming essential oil blends.  You’ll be happy to know that the anti-infectious substances in our Sinus Calm blends are also immune strengthening.  

Shop these blends   

Shop Sinus Airflow, Sinus Purify, and Sinus Unclog here. Get the Precautions for each base oil and pure essential oil. 


SWEET ALMOND OIL – Prunus Dulcis

A light, nourishing, moisturising oil, Sweet Almond Oil improves skin tone.

FORAHA TAMANU – Calophyllum inophyllum

This analgesic oil calms pain in sinuses, headaches and muscular aches and joints.  It is a strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial oil.  Foraha Tamanu is an excellent antibiotic that inhibits any sort of biotic growth such as microbes, bacteria, or fungi in the body. 


CEDARWOOD ATLAS – Cedrus atlantica   

Soft and woody, Cedarwood is particularly effective for sinuses and hay fever allergies. Cedarwood Atlas is an excellent anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory oil for inhalation, vaporisation or massage and calms sinuses, coughs, colds, and respiratory infections. It has a clearing, energising, grounding action on the mind.

EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA – Eucalyptus citriodora

A lemony fresh aroma and strong purifying actions make Eucalyptus effective for the respiratory tract and immunity. This oil calms sinuses, asthma, laryngitis, and sore throats. 

Unclog nasal passages and calm sinus headaches with a couple of drops on a cloth soaked in warm water and spread over your nose to breathe in the calming vapours.  When diffused, the anti-infectious substances in the oil help to purify and cleanse the air of bacteria.  

Eucalyptus Citriodora is very effective for massage on the chest as a vapour rub when diluted.  It eases muscular aches, joint pain, and sprains, eradicates the microbes that cause colds, fever and infectious skin ailments. This oil is excellent for calming the mind and is used in therapeutic and purifying blends.

LAVANDIN GROSSO – Lavandula hybrida grosso

Lavandin is excellent for sinus headaches.  Dilute a couple of drops in a base oil and massage onto your temples, forehead and behind the ears to calm the tension of migraine and sinus headaches. It calms body pain, fatigue, and flu symptoms. 

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory actions calm pain in muscles, joints and headaches from colds, flu, and fever. Lavandin helps to calm coughing and clears the lungs of phlegm. It is very effective for chest infections and bronchitis, sinuses, and similar ailments.

This oil is very effective for depression and chronic depression. The clean, fresh. floral herbaceousness of Lavandin calms and uplifts a stressed or anxious mind and brightens emotional perspective.  

PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita

Excellent for calming the symptoms of sinus pressure, blocked nose, headache and pain. The menthol in this oil is a strong healer of respiratory infections with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-microbial substances.  

Diffuse Peppermint with Eucalyptus essential oils to prevent and calm allergy symptoms while unclogging your sinuses and respiratory tracts of mucus. 


WHITE THYME – Thymus vulgaris linalool

A strong antioxidant for the body and respiratory, immune, and nervous systems. Thyme energises the mind and body. The anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic and expectorant actions are effective for clogged sinuses. 

Thyme has anti-septic, expectorant, anti-tussive and balsamic substances that are very effective for sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchial catarrh and bronchitis, asthma, spasmodic coughing, and whooping cough.  White Thyme is an excellent bactericidal. 

LAVENDER – Lavandula Augustifolia

This fresh, floral aromatic is excellent for calming the mind. It strengthens immunity and unclogs sinuses. The analgesic actions are similar to strong pain-calming drugs.  Lavender is excellent for headaches, migraine, and the pain of clogged sinuses. 

RAVINTSARA CAMPHORA – Cinnamomum camphora

Excellent for sinus inflammation, flu, and bronchitis. Ravintsara is an excellent expectorant that unclogs phlegm in the chest and respiratory tracts with anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-septic actions. It also calms depression, anxiety, stress, and nerves.  

CLOVE BUD – Syzygium aromaticum

A strong antioxidant oil with anti-inflammatory substances to unclog nasal passages.  Clove Oil is an excellent anti-septic and anti-bacterial expectorant for respiratory health. It unclogs sinuses, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and asthma. This oil is excellent in a diffuser or humidifier to cleanse the air of bacteria. It calms inflammation in the nose and soothes a sore throat.


HELICHRYSUM – Helichrysum bracteiferum

Excellent for respiratory tightness and sinus infections, chronic coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and phlegm.  Helichrysum has strong anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-viral, mucolytic, and expectorant actions to calm sinus infections. Helichrysum calms the inflammation of clogged sinuses.

LEMON– Citrus limonum

This oil brightens the mind. Lemon is an astringent that unclogs sinuses. It unclogs mucus and tightness of chest. Lemon strengthens immunity with strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal actions that make it an excellent disinfecting oil. 

ROSEMARY – Rosemary officinalis

A strong anti-septic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory oil for sinus infections, tightness, respiratory allergies, infections, colds, sore throats, flu and stronger immunity. Rosemary has anti-spasmodic actions for bronchial asthma and is excellent for bronchitis, flu, and colds. This oil is excellent for cleansing the air of bacteria.   

CINNAMON BARK – Cinnamomum zeylanicum

A strong anti-infectious oil, Cinnamon Bark unclogs sinuses, flu, and colds. It has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-septic actions to calm bacterial infections. When the mucus membranes are inflamed, it affects breathing. This aromatic is excellent for unclogging sinuses with strong anti-inflammatory substances.  


The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only.  Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.  Approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements, or using essential oils that might interfere with medications.