Adrenal Boost is blend of pure essential oils is a tonic for the emotional responses that affect the health of the adrenal glands, the cause of stress, nervous exhaustion and adrenal fatigue. Improve your emotional health and a calmer equilibrium with this uplifting blend to calm the mind and boost your adrenal health.
Adrenal Boost is a strong energiser of mind fatigue and an attitude booster with an invigorating and uplifting aroma that improves emotional equilibrium. Each oil boosts focused, clearer thinking and light-heartedness, besides therapeutic substances to strengthen blood circulation and improve immune health.
The adrenal glands produce the hormones that regulate many body functions
Your adrenal glands produce the hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other necessary functions. They have two parts — the cortex and the medulla — each produces different hormones such as cortisol, the human stress hormone, that helps the body manage stress. When your body’s response to stress is diminished and cortisol stress levels exceed what’s normal, it causes a hyper adrenal response.
The symptoms of hyped-up adrenal responses that cause adrenal fatigue
If chronic stress is not calmed, it could deplete your adrenal glands and cause fatigue. Unabated stress causes the adrenal glands to produce a surfeit of cortisol in the bloodstream that causes adrenal fatigue, nervous exhaustion, weight gain, elevated or low blood pressure, low blood sugar levels, insomnia, increasing thirstiness, weakened immunity, menstrual imbalances, salt or sugar cravings, skin rashes, allergies, depression, or anxiety.
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