Black Pepper Pure Essential Oil Organic


Energising, sweet, woody, and green, this aromatic essential oil is steam distilled from the dried peppercorn fruits.

Black Pepper is a strong pain-calming oil for muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, bladder infections, moisturises dry sensitive skin, a spleen tonic and brain energiser. It has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions for colds, and phlegm, is anti-convulsive, anti-septic, anti-toxic, anti-tussive, calms gas, detoxer, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, and aperitif.

Information Black Pepper Essential Oil

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Black Pepper Pure Essential Oil Organic (Piper nigrum) smells of freshly ground peppercorns with notes of green. It is a strong antioxidant, pain-calming anti-spasmodic, and anti-inflammatory oil for muscle pain that strengthens circulation and has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions to calm cold symptoms, unclogging phlegm in the chest.

Shop this product with Black Pepper Essential Oil

Bloating Calm

A strong pain-calming oil for aches, pains, and sprains

Black Pepper is a strong anti-spasmodic pain-calming oil when massaged to calm fibromyalgia, muscular cramps, arthritis, neuralgia, sciatica back pain, and sprains.

Spleen tonic and circulation strengthener

Black Pepper strengthens circulation and is a spleen tonic.

Excellent antioxidant for dry, or sensitive ageing skin

An excellent antioxidant oil that rejuvenates dry, sensitive, ageing skin, and wrinkles to improve skin tone.

A strong anti-infectious expectorant for phlegm

Black Pepper has strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions to unclog phlegm from the nose and chest to calm flu, and colds.

Energise your brain and make it brighter, and clearer

A strong brain energising oil to focus the mind, it clears brain fog, improves memory, and brightens equilibrium.

Antiseptic anti-inflammatory for bladder infections

Black Pepper essential oil is a strong anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial for bladder infections and calms the pain.

Additional information


5ml, 10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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