Cajeput Pure Essential Oil (Melaleuca cajuputi) is an excellent pain-calming oil with strong anti-viral actions to calm viral respiratory infections of bronchitis, flu and colds, besides expectorant actions to unclog phlegm, calm coughs, sore throats, and sinus inflammation. When diffused, the vapours unclog phlegm from the respiratory tract to clear the sinus passages.
Shop this product that includes Cajeput essential oil
Calms muscular pain, arthritis and rheumatism
Cajeput has anti-spasmodic, pain-calming actions for arthritis, rheumatism, and muscle and joint pain. It also calms menstrual cramping.
The fresh aroma calms stress and energises the brain
Cajeput essential oil is uplifting to the mind and brightens equilibrium. Diffuse this oil when working or studying for its brain energising actions that increase alertness and focus. It energises the mind and enlivens the atmosphere with its freshness.
Calm the muscular spasms of exercise
Cajeput is a strong anti-spasmodic pain calming oil for exercise soreness. It is excellent for calming muscular spasms.
Anti-neuralgic pain-calming oil
Cajeput essential oil calms the spasmodic pain of neuralgia.
A calming oil that energises the brain
Calm your stress levels and clear your mind for sharper focus and improved cognitive functioning.
Calms insect bites and repels insects that bite
Cajeput has anti-inflammatory substances to soothe insect bites and the aroma repels insects.
Anti-viral actions calm respiratory infections
A strong pain-calming oil with anti-viral and expectorant actions. It is an excellent unclogger of phlegm in lungs and the respiratory tracts, calming bronchitis, coughs, sinusitis, and sore throats. Diffused into the air it unclogs the respiratory tract of phlegm.
An alternative pain calming oil to aspirin
An alternative to aspirin for headaches, massage Cajeput Oil blended with a dash of vegetable oil on your forehead to calm headaches.
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