Caraway Seed Pure Essential Oil (Carum carvi) is an excellent anti-inflammatory pain calming oil with antiseptic and anti-bacterial actions to disinfect acne, boils, sores and scuffs, besides its antioxidant actions for fresh faced skin beauty. Caraway improves oily skin with astringent, skin toning anti-bacterial actions to clear acne infection and inflammation. It is a digestive tonic that calms intestinal ailments such as colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, dyspepsia, nervous indigestion, and mild gastric spasms.
Shop these products that include Caraway essential oil
Calms pain of Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Caraway calms pain and inflammation through its antispasmodic activity. This and its strong anti-inflammatory substances could make it a soothing balm for Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
A digestive tonic for gas, dyspepsia, and bloating
The main substances in Caraway, carvone and limonene are proven to calm the digestive tract, gastric spasms, protect mucus membranes and prevent ulcers. Caraway essential oil is excellent for digestive ailments such as nervous indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating, gas, lack of appetite, and mild spasms of the stomach and intestines.
A strong pain-calming oil for inflammation
Caraway is excellent for inflammation and rheumatism.
A calming nerve tonic
Caraway essential oil is a tonic for nerves that soothes and calms stress, anxiety, depression, and nerves.
A natural antioxidant for anti-ageing skin beauty
This natural antioxidant skin beauty oil and acne disinfectant has anti-inflammatory actions to calm boils. Caraway freshens and smoothes skin tone. It calms the ageing of skin caused by free radical deterioration.
Spasmolytic that clears phlegm from lungs
Caraway essential oil unclogs phlegm from the lungs through coughing. It clears phlegm and protects the mucus membranes in respiratory infections of bronchitis, colds, and laryngitis.
Mild anti-fungal and anti-bacterial oil
Caraway essential oil has some mild anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activity, although not as strong as the anti-microbial Lemongrass and Oregano essential oils.
Caraway strengthens immunity
Carvone and limonene are chemical substances in Caraway essential oil known to improve immunity. Both are able to increase antibody production.
Repels termites, mosquitoes, dust mites and weevils
Caraway repels termites, weevils, beetles, mosquitoes and dust mites. It has insecticide, fumigant, and acaricide actions to repel many types of insects.
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