Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil


The leaves are steam distilled to make a sweet, herbaceous essential oil.

Cinnamon Leaf has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, antibiotic, anti-infectious, astringent, anthelmintic, anti-diarrheal, and anti-parasitic actions. A strong pain-calming oil for pain, sore muscles, joints, rheumatism, arthritis, strengthens immunity, calms stress, energises fatigue, disinfectant, coughs, colds, a digestive that calms indigestion, balances blood sugar, increases circulation in muscle warming massage blends, and tones muscles.

Information Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil


Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil (Cinnamomum verum). This energising brain tonic increases calmness, focus, and clearer thinking. It has strong pain-calming actions for any pain, including sore joints and the muscle spasms of exercised legs, besides antiviral actions to eradicate warts. Herbaceous and energising, this oil is excellent for brightening the mind, encouraging alertness to invigorate lethargy. Spritz a dash in water or diffuse a couple of drops into the air.

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Bursitis Calm

Strengthens immunity with strong anti-infectious actions to calm cold symptoms

Cinnamon Leaf strengthens immunity and calms inflammation in the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx. Diffuse this oil to eradicate the bacteria that cause respiratory infection and simultaneously soothe inflammation. Steam inhalation has a similar action.

This anti-bacterial oil makes an excellent mouthwash

Freshen your breath with a couple of drops in water swirled through the mouth. It makes a strong anti-bacterial mouthwash to freshen breath.

A strong pain-calming oil for exercised muscles

Cinnamon Leaf is an excellent pain-calming oil with anti-spasmodic and circulation strengthening actions to calm the tightness of muscle spasms. Make a blend of Peppermint and Cinnamon Leaf essential oils to calm muscle spasms and strengthen circulation.

This anti-viral oil eradicates warts and disinfects sores

Eradicates the wart virus and disinfects to prevent viral infection. Disinfect sores and scuffs with Cinnamon Leaf and Ylang-Ylang essential oils.

Soothes insect bites and repels insects

Cinnamon Leaf essential oil calms insect bites and eradicates lice and scabies.

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5ml, 10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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