Energised Mind


These are brain and nerve tonics for the nervous system, excellent in massage for calming nerves and uplifting depression. Energising aromas lift stress from the mind and calm anxiety with a fresh, stimulating, balancing, rejuvenating energy that lifts emotional attitude, improves alertness, and calms nerves.

Information about the oils in this blend

SKU: energised-mind-pure-essential-oils Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


These blends are brain energisers that invigorate brain fatigue and lethargy. They are brain and nerve tonics for the nervous system and are excellent in massage for calming nerves and uplifting depression. Effective for nervous exhaustion, the blends freshen, energise, and improve clearer thinking, memory, and brain functioning. They calm stressed minds and energise exhaustion and fatigue, freshen, and stimulate brain energy to improve memory, focus and clearer thinking.

Energising aromas lift depression from the mind and calm anxiety with a fresh, stimulating, balancing, rejuvenating energy that lifts emotional attitude, improves alertness, and calms nerves and stress. Some stimulate brain activity by increasing blood circulation to the brain, enhancing brainpower. Some are mind calming stress relievers that calm nerves, clear the mind, lift emotional perspective and above all, calm the mind.

Calm stress, brain fog and foggy thinking, fatigue, and negativity

You’ll love the diffuser and massage blends to calm your body and brighten your mind. Freshen your mind, make it clearer and alert. Soothe the stress that has accumulated in your body. Each blend has its own invigorating essential oils to energise and bring about brighter attitudes. A soothing back massage after a busy day nurtures the body and calms the mind.

The diffuser blends are for lethargic thinkers. Positive, energised minds are better for health and emotional equilibrium. Calm your stress, negativity, fatigue, brain fog, foggy thinking and improve creativity, focus and energy.

Additional information


Mind Energise, Mind Freshen, Mind Vigour


Diffuser – dropper bottle, Topical – dropper bottle, Topical – roller bottle


5ml, 10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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