Feminine Balance


Feminine Pure, Feminine Restore, and Feminine Tonic are three pure essential oil blends in the Feminine Balance range that have hormone balancing actions to improve PMS, menstruation, and menopause. They are naturally uplifting and calming with their beautiful floral and fruit aromas.

Information about the oils in this blend

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PMS, menstruation and the menopause are affected by oestrogen and progesterone levels, hormones that are important to every woman’s feminine health. Pure essential oils are alive with therapeutic substances that could help to balance the hormones of menstruation and menopause to improve menstrual cramping, moodiness, stress, menopausal hot flushes, foggy thinking, insomnia, lethargy, and fatigue.

Make your life a positive with healthier living and massage of these calming blends. Feminine Pure, Feminine Restore, and Feminine Tonic are three pure essential oil blends with hormone balancing actions to improve the hormonal fluctuations that affect a woman’s body each month. Herbaceous, floral and fruit aromas calm nerves, and soothe the body in massage.

Sweet Almond Oil, and Clary Sage Essential Oil

Sweet Almond Oil is a nourishing skin beauty moisturiser that softens skin. Bergamot is a calming oil for nerves that encourages the happy hormones – dopamine and serotonin. Clary Sage is a uterine tonic that helps to regulate oestrogen to improve the health of the ovaries and uterus. When oestrogen levels diminish during menopause it causes depression, hot flushes, fatigue, sweats, headaches, dry skin, and joint pain. Inhaling Clary Sage improves thyroid hormone levels and improves cortisol, the human stress hormone. Clary Sage also calms menstrual pain.

Fennel, and Frankincense Essential Oils

Fennel has an estrogenic action on the body that improves PMS symptoms. It is excellent for the menopause, calming hot flushes and emotional fluctuations that cause anxiety and stress. Inhaling Fennel oil stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and calms adrenaline levels. Fennel calms nerves, insomnia, pain and menstrual cramping. Frankincense is a hormone balancing oil that is excellent for cramping, bloating, headache, emotional fluctuations, and stress. It is particularly effective for menopausal women because it helps to regulate the production of oestrogen.

Lemon, Parsley Seed, and Sage Essential Oils

The liver filters and regulates hormones such as oestrogen. Lemon essential oil has chemical substances that stimulate the liver to better regulate hormones. Lemon improves a clearer mind, and alertness. Parsley Seed Oil stimulates the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. These feminine hormones maintain uterine health by regulating menstruation and protecting the uterus. Sage calms menstrual pain and regulates menstruation. It improves oligomenorrhea, an unusually light menstrual flow. Sage is an energising oil that calms depression, and stress.

Sweet Basil, and Coriander Essential Oils

Low oestrogen levels in menopause are the cause of depression, hot flushes, fatigue, sweating, headaches, dry skin, and joint pain. Basil calms menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, and improves oestrogen levels. Coriander improves hormone and enzyme secretions. It is an effective blood purifier that cleanses the body of toxins and fluids. Coriander improves mind clarity, memory, brain functioning, nervous exhaustion and energises fatigue.

Rose Geranium, and Jasmine Essential Oils

Rose Geranium is an excellent hormone balancing oil. It calms PMS, depression, and stress with a floral aroma that improves equilibrium. It is particularly calming for nerves. Jasmine is a significant oil for feminine health. It calms PMS and menopausal symptoms, improves depression, and emotional fluctuations. Jasmine calms pain and is a natural skin beauty moisturiser. The floral aroma increases the hormone serotonin to encourage an uplifted perspective.

Orange Bigarade, Peppermint, and Aniseed Essential Oils

Orange Bigarade is an energising oil that brightens the mind, making it excellent for depression. It is an excellent nervine that cools, calms and balances the nervous system. It improves hormone production, including the lymphatic and circulatory systems, adrenaline levels, and is a tonic for the endocrine system. Peppermint is excellent for stress, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. It calms menopausal hot flushes. Aniseed calms nervousness, anxiety, and stress. It improves the oestrogen – progesterone hormone balance in the body.

Myrtle, Myrrh, Niaouli, and Oregano Essential Oils

Myrtle balances the hormones of oestrogen and progesterone in the ovaries, and thyroid. Being a nervine, Myrtle is particularly calming for nerves. Myrrh is a blood circulant that increases oxygen to the body, and a female uterine oil that improves the menstrual hormones. A health tonic for the body, Myrrh tones organs in the body. It calms stress and brightens a depressed mind. Niaouli strengthens blood circulation, and the secretion of hormones and enzymes. It strengthens metabolism and immunity. Oregano regulates hormones, including those of menstruation and menopause.

Additional information


Feminine Tonic, Feminine Pure, Feminine Restore


Topical – dropper bottle, Topical – roller bottle


10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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