Labdanum Pure Essential Oil (Cistus ladaniferus) is an excellent antitussive oil that calms coughing with anti-inflammatory expectorant actions to unclog phlegm, a strong antioxidant, astringent skin beauty oil for ageing, wrinkled skin and a clearer skin tone, pain-calming anti-inflammatory for joint pain, and an anti-septic disinfectant for skin, sores and scuffs. Labdanum Oil has mind energising actions to clear the mind and improve focus and calm thinking.
Shop this product that includes Labdanum
This pain-calming oil is excellent for menstruation
Labdanum is an emmenagogue oil that calms the hormones affecting menstruation, PMS, emotional equilibrium, and bloating. Massage a couple of drops on your stomach to calm menstrual cramping and improve symptoms.
A strong anti-tussive expectorant to unclog phlegm
Labdanum essential oil unclogs mucus and phlegm from the nose and chest. It is excellent for steam inhalation. The anti-tussive, anti-inflammatory actions are excellent for coughs. Massage your chest to clear phlegm.
Labdanum is excellent for skin beauty
Labdanum improves wrinkled, ageing skin. Pour a dash into your moisturisers to improve your facial skin tone.
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