Rhizo Health Probiotic


A Probiotic supplement that is 100% natural and 100% organic, having 43 variants of Probiotics abstracted from the Rhizosphere of untouched African Forest Soil.

Rhizo Health also functions as a natural antibiotic that inhibits and prevents bacterial and viral infections, whilst building and improving your good gut flora. Rhizo Health eradicates only disease-causing pathogens while it builds and strengthens your immune system.

The 50ml bottle has 5 weeks’ gut health dosage for an adult at 5ml twice weekly or 10 weeks’ dosage for a child at 2.5ml twice per week. For treatment of specific ailments the dosage is taken at night until symptoms subside.


Alive Oils is a stockist of Rhizo Health Probiotics. Rhizo Health is a Probiotic supplement that is 100% natural and 100% organic, having 43 variants of Probiotics abstracted from the Rhizosphere of untouched African Forest Soil.

Rhizo Health also functions as a natural antibiotic that inhibits and prevents bacterial and viral infections – whilst building and improving your good gut flora. Rhizo Health eradicates only disease-causing pathogens while it builds and strengthens your immune system.




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