The powdery soft sweet notes of Rose Blend Essential Oil (Rosa damascena) are elevating and uplifting, making it excellent for depression, insomnia, stress, and a calm equilibrium. It has rich antioxidant moisturisation for dry skin and is a luxurious skin beauty oil with excellent antioxidants to improve elasticity, softness, and a beautiful skin tone. It has pain-calming actions for muscles and joints, headaches, and sinuses. Rose damascena is a fresh deodoriser in aromatic air fresheners, lotions, and soaps.
Hormone balancing for menopause, menstruation, and the female reproductive organs
Rose Oil is excellent for massage on skin, calming menopausal hot flushes, insomnia, headaches, stress, and nerves. Rose Oil is excellent for menstrual pain and is an emmenagogue that tones the female reproductive system to calm menstrual cramping and improve irregular menstruation.
Calms intestinal ailments and soothes sores and scuffs
Rose essential oil is a dry skin moisturiser with strong anti-septic phytochemicals to disinfect sores, allowing a protective scab to form. It calms stomach acid in the bowels, the cause of ulcers, heartburn, spasms, gas, and bloating.
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