Tagetes Pure Essential Oil (Tagetes minuta)


Strong and herbaceous with citrus and floral notes, Tagetes essential oil is steam distilled from the yellow flowers.

Tagetes is a radical stress calming oil, energises, calms, and brightens depression. It calms inflammation in the body, colitis, spasmodic coughs, athlete’s foot, skin ailments, dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cramping legs, asthma, phlegm, disinfectant for infected sores, calms menstruation, pain, gas, anti-bacterial, upset stomach, cramps, anti-septic, calmative, stomachic, insect repellent for mosquitoes.

Tagetes Pure Essential Oil


Tagetes pure essential oil is an excellent anti-bacterial disinfectant for cleansing infections in sores caused by bacteria, it is pain-calming for rheumatoid arthritis, cramping legs, a calmative for inflammatory ailments of the digestive, nervous, excretory, and neural systems, calms colitis, the inflammation of the lining of the colon, brightens the mind, calms stress, and improves equilibrium.

A strong disinfectant for the skin and body

Tagetes is excellent for use in fumigants, vaporisers, and sprays. It disinfects the air to protect from colds with anti-infectious substances.

A pain-calming anti-inflammatory oil

Excellent oil for calming inflammation in the body. It calms colitis, an inflammation of the lining of the colon, rheumatoid arthritis, and sore, exercised legs.

Tagetes unclogs phlegm in the respiratory tracts

Tagetes unclogs phlegm in respiratory infections of bronchitis, flu, and colds. This oil is excellent for asthma.

Tagetes essential oil is a skin beauty antioxidant

Antioxidant substances rejuvenate skin to make it fresher, improving the health of your skin. It is a moisturising, therapeutic oil for skin.

A calming oil for menstruation

Tagetes essential oil calms each part of menstruation, also calming menstrual pain.


Diffused for stress, included in massage blends, spritzers, steam inhalation and fixative in perfume.



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5ml, 10ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml


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The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Information or products discussed are not meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please approach a health practitioner before making changes to your diet, taking supplements or using essential oils that may interfere with medications.